

[dbjapan] ACM SIGMODJ講演会 10月22日(月)のお知らせ


ACM SIGMOD日本支部では、下記の講演会を

 ☆☆☆ 10月22日 講演会のご案内   ☆☆☆

共催 日本データベース学会

日時 10月22日(月) 午後4時〜午後5時半
場所 東京大学生産技術研究所 E棟 5階 会議室B(Ew-502)

Speaker : Prof. Cyrus Shahabi(University of Southern California)
Title : Geospatial Decision Making and Spatial Skyline Queries

参加費 無料

   ( http://www.dbsj.org/ )
      sigmodj_lecture [at] tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jpに


                        日本データベース学会 国際関係委員会 委員長
                        (ACM SIGMOD日本支部 支部長) 横田 治夫

                        連絡先  中野 美由紀
                        連絡(問合せ)先 日本データベース学会、
                        ACM SIGMOD 日本支部
                                sigmodj_lecture [at] tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp

To: sigmodj_lecture [at] tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp

日本データベース学会・ACM SIGMOD日本支部共催 講演会 参加申し込み



Title: Geospatial Decision Making and Spatial Skyline Queries

In this talk, I will start with presenting a system we developed in this
past year for Geospatial decision making, called GeoDec.  I will briefly
discuss the main features of GeoDec and show some demonstrations of the
system.  Then, I will focus on one specific decision making query type
within GeoDec that we introduced recently, termed “Spatial Skyline
Queries (SSQ)”. Given a set of data points P and a set of query points Q,
an SSQ retrieves those points of P which are not dominated by any other
point in P considering their distances to query points in Q. I present
one of our algorithms, VS2, to address SSQ and show some experimental
results. The main intuition and novelty behind our approach is that
we exploit the geometric properties of the SSQ problem space to avoid
the exhaustive examination of all the point pairs in P and Q.

Cyrus Shahabi is currently an Associate Professor and the Director of
the Information Laboratory (InfoLAB) at the Computer Science Department
and also a Research Area Director at the NSF's Integrated Media Systems
Center (IMSC) at the University of Southern California. He received his
B.S. in Computer Engineering from Sharif University of Technology in 1989
and then his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University
of Southern California in May 1993 and August 1996, respectively. He has
two books and more than hundred articles, book chapters, and conference
papers in the areas of databases, GIS and multimedia. Dr. Shahabi's current
research interests include Geospatial and Multidimensional Data Analysis,
Peer-to-Peer Systems and Streaming Architectures. He is currently an
editor of the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)
and on the editorial board of ACM Computers in Entertainment magazine. He
is also a member of the steering committees of IEEE NetDB and the general
co-chair of ACM GIS 2007. He serves on many conference program committees
such as VLDB 2008, ACM SIGKDD 2006 to 2008, IEEE ICDE 2006 and 2008,
SSTD 2005
and ACM SIGMOD 2004.  Dr. Shahabi is the recipient of the 2002 National
Science Foundation CAREER Award and 2003 Presidential Early Career
Awards for
Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). In 2001, he also received an award from
the Okawa Foundations.
中野 美由紀		東京大学 生産技術研究所 喜連川研究室
Miyuki NAKANO		Institute of Industrial Science, Univ. of Tokyo
miyuki [at] tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp