

[dbjapan] 世界のトップクラスの研究者の講演をお聞き逃しなく




http://tinyurl.com/nrg9uo からご登録下さい。

Seoul National University の Prof. Sang Kyun Cha は、SIGMOD、VLDB、
ICDE、CIKM 等で活躍しているメインメモリデータベースやインデックスの大
御所で、韓国 SAP R&D Center での実業的な話も含めてメインメモリデータベー

Chinese University of Hong Kong の Prof. Jeffrey Xu Yu も、SIGMOD、
VLDB、ICDE 等々、なぜこんなに論文が書けるのだろうと思うくらいに論文を

Australia の University of Queensland の Prof. Xiaofang Zhou も同様に
SIGMOD、VLDB、ICDE 等で活躍すると同時に、動画検索で SIGIR 等でも活躍し
は、Spatiotemporal Query Processing に関する面白い話をしてもらえそうで

Microsoft Research Asia の Dr. Xing Xie は、ACM Multimedia や ICME、
WWW などで大変活躍されている研究者で、今回は、物理的な世界から社会的な
知性を得るための MSRA の取り組みを紹介して頂けます。

University of California at Berkeley の Prof. Ray Larson は、SIGIR 等
を中心に大変活躍されている研究者で、今回は IR における地理情報検索

Microsoft Research Asia の酒井哲也博士も、SIGIR 等で大変活躍されておら

で参加予定の方は、http://tinyurl.com/nrg9uo からご登録下さい。


                     横田 治夫    〒152-8552 東京都目黒区大岡山 2-12-1
                     東京工業大学 学術国際情報センター 情報基盤部門
                     (兼) 大学院 情報理工学研究科 計算工学専攻 
                     TEL: (03) 5734-3505 (直通)、  FAX: (03) 5734-3504
                                         email: yokota [at] cs.titech.ac.jp

At Wed, 15 Jul 2009 12:10:02 +0900 [<cfe0b1120907142010o107f64b2p842847820c9f1154 [at] mail.gmail.com>]
	 Chiemi Watanabe <chiemi [at] is.ocha.ac.jp> wrote:
> 7月26日〜28日に開催されますiDBワークショップ内の企画として
> 海外で活躍されている研究者による講演会を行います。
> ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
> Prof. Ray Larson (UC Berkeley), Dr. Xing Xie (MS Research Asia)
>                  の講演が 2 件追加になりました!!
> ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
> どなたでも参加可能で参加費は無料です。ぜひお申し込みのほど
> よろしくお願いいたします。
> ======================================================================
>                   iDBワークショップ2009講演会
>  主催: 日本データベース学会,情報処理学会データベースシステム研究会
>                 電子情報通信学会データ工学研究会
> ======================================================================
> 日時: 2009年7月27日 13:00〜17:00 (iDBワークショップ2009内イベント)
> 会場: 神戸ファッションマート (http://www.kfm.or.jp/)
>    住所: 〒658-0032 神戸市東灘区向洋町中6丁目9番地
>    会場へのアクセス: http://www.kfm.or.jp/accessmap.html
> 参加費: 無料
> 参加登録: 登録フォーム(http://tinyurl.com/nrg9uo)よりお願いいたします。
> (当日の会場準備における人数把握のためご協力をお願いいたします)
> 7月26日から28日にかけて神戸ファッションマートで開かれますiDBワークショッ
> プ2009にて,データベースおよびデータ工学分野で世界的に活躍されている著
> 名海外研究者による講演会を開催致します.参加登録,参加費は無料です.ぜ
> ひ奮ってご参加いただけますようよろしくお願い致します.
> なお,7月28日には情報処理学会データベースシステム研究会・情報学基礎研究
> 会および電子情報通信学会データ工学研究会が開催されます.各研究会への参
> 加を予定されている皆様、ぜひこちらの講演にも参加をご検討ください.
> ■講演会プログラム (13:00〜17:00)
> 1. Time Travel with Main-Memory Database
>   Prof. Sang Kyun Cha (Seoul National University, SAP R&D Center Korea)
> 2. Keyword Search in Databases: The Power of RDBMS
>   Prof. Jeffrey Xu Yu (Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
> 3. Spatiotemporal Query Processing: What's New and What's Hot
>   Prof. Xiaofang Zhou (University of Queensland, Australia)
> Break (10 min.)
> 4. Build Intelligence from the Physical World
>   Dr. Xing Xie (Microsoft Research Asia, China)
> 5. Geographic Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Approaches
>   Prof. Ray Larson (University of California at Berkeley, USA)
> 6. Information Access Evaluation: Some Recent Topics
>   Dr. Tetsuya Sakai (Microsoft Research Asia, China)
> ■講演概要
> 1. Time Travel with Main-Memory Database
>   Prof. Sang Kyun Cha (Seoul National University, SAP R&D Center Korea)
>  (TBA)
> 2. Keyword Search in Databases: The Power of RDBMS
>   Prof. Jeffrey Xu Yu (Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
> Abstract: Keyword search in relational databases (RDBs) has been
>  extensively studied recently. A keyword search (or a keyword query)
>  in RDBs is specified by a set of keywords to explore the
>  interconnected tuple structures in an RDB that cannot be easily
>  identified using SQL on RDBMSs. In brief, it finds how the tuples
>  containing the given keywords are connected via sequences of
>  connections (foreign key references) among tuples in an RDB. Such
>  interconnected tuple structures can be found as connected trees up
>  to a certain size, sets of tuples that are reachable from a root
>  tuple within a radius, or even multi-center subgraphs within a
>  radius. In the literature, there are two main approaches. One is to
>  generate a set of relational algebra expressions and evaluate every
>  such expression using SQL on an RDBMS directly or in a middleware on
>  top of an RDBMS indirectly.  Due to a large number of relational
>  algebra expressions needed to process, most of the existing works
>  take a middleware approach without fully utilizing RDBMSs. The other
>  is to materialize an RDB as a graph and find the interconnected
>  tuple structures using graph-based algorithms in memory. In this
>  talk we focus on using SQL to compute all the interconnected tuple
>  structures for a given keyword query.  We show that the current
>  commercial RDBMSs are powerful enough to support such keyword
>  queries in RDBs efficiently without any additional new indexing to
>  be built and maintained.
> 3. Spatiotemporal Query Processing: What's New and What's Hot
>   Prof. Xiaofang Zhou (University of Queensland, Australia)
> Abstract: Spatiotemporal query processing becomes an active
>  research area again in recent years, driven by not only
>  intellectually challenging research issues related to performance,
>  scalability and uncertainty emerging from many new applications, but
>  also the wide spread adoption of positioning devices, location-based
>  services and high quality digital maps. In this talk, we will
>  present an overview of this research field, followed by discussions
>  of our recent work in motion pattern discovery, pattern-based
>  movement predication (ICDE'08), convey detection (VLDB'08) and
>  path-based nearest neighbor monitoring (SIGMOD'09). The aim of this
>  talk is to share with the researchers in this area our new results,
>  and also to provide an introduction for those who are new to this
>  area.
> 4. Build Intelligence from the Physical World
>   Dr. Xing Xie (Microsoft Research Asia, China)
> Abstract: Context aware computing sought to deal with linking
>  changes in the environment with computer systems. In other words,
>  computing systems become more intelligent through analyzing and
>  reacting to the physical world surrounding them. The coming era of
>  cloud computing brings new opportunities to this long studied
>  research area. By accumulating and aggregating physical world
>  contextual information from multiple users and multiple devices over
>  a long period, we can obtain collective social intelligence from
>  them. Based on this, more innovative Internet services can be
>  developed to facilitate people's everyday lives. At Microsoft
>  Research Asia, we are working on various technologies with a view to
>  managing physical world information and building intelligence from
>  them. In this talk, I will present our recent work on this
>  direction, as well as other related works in Microsoft and the
>  industry.
> 5. Geographic Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Approaches
>   Prof. Ray Larson (University of California at Berkeley, USA)
> Abstract: The goal of Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR) is to
>  retrieve relevant information resources in response to queries with
>  geographic constraints. GIR implies that the indexing and retrieval
>  of objects in a digital collection takes into account some form of
>  georeferencing, and may use various forms of geographical proximity,
>  containment, or other spatial relations in estimating or predicting
>  geographic relevance. Systems that provide searches using GIR
>  methods, including geographic digital libraries, and location-aware
>  web search engines, are based on a collection of georeferenced
>  information resources and methods to spatially search these
>  resources with geographic location as part of their search
>  specifications. Information resources in digital library collections
>  can be considered georeferenced if they are spatially indexed by one
>  or more regions or points on the surface of the Earth, where the
>  specific locations of these regions are encoded using spatial
>  coordinates directly (geometrically), or indirectly by toponyms
>  (place names). In this lecture we will examine the effectiveness of
>  Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR) methods in IR systems. We
>  will show how various types of information may benefit from explicit
>  geographic search, and where text-based place name search may be
>  sufficient. We will also show how implicit geographic search (or
>  geographic browsing) can be used to dynamically generate geographic
>  searches in geographic interfaces like Google Earth. We will
>  describe the algorithms used for Geographic search and how these may
>  be combined with topical text searches. In addition we will show
>  results from the GeoCLEF IR evaluation for text-based geographic
>  search.
> 6. Information Access Evaluation: Some Recent Topics
>   Dr. Tetsuya Sakai (Microsoft Research Asia, China)
> Abstract: This talk will briefly touch upon various aspects of
>  information access evaluation, including: - New information
>  retrieval metrics; - New problems in information access evaluation,
>  e.g. incompleteness of relevance assessments; - How to evaluate
>  evaluation metrics and test collections; - New information access
>  tasks, e.g., IR4QA at NTCIR, exploratory search etc.; - The gap
>  between laboratory experiments and the real world; - The gap between
>  academia and industry.