

[dbjapan] アンビエント系国際会議ANT-2010論文募集




原 隆浩

| 原 隆浩 (Takahiro HARA), 工学博士               |
| 大阪大学大学院情報科学研究科              |
| マルチメディア工学専攻 准教授                   |
| 〒565-0871 大阪府吹田市山田丘1-5                |
| E-mail: hara [at] ist.osaka-u.ac.jp                  |
| URL: http://www-nishio.ist.osaka-u.ac.jp/~hara/ |
| Tel: 06-6879-4511, Fax: 06-6879-4514            |


                   C A LL   F O R   P A P E R S

The International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and 
Technologies (ANT-2010)

                          26-28 July, 2010
                  Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada
   Conference Website: http://www.acadiau.ca/ant10/home.php


Contributions are invited to ANT 2010, the International Conference on
Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies To be held at Acadia 
University, Wolfville, NS, Canada in July 26-28, 2010 

Submission due date: February 10, 2010

Accepted papers will be published by Springer. Selected papers will be
invited for publication in the special issues of:

(1) Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
(2) Journal of Service Oriented Computing and Applications
(3) Journal of Multiagent and Grid Systems
(4) Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing

Conference Tracks:
- Ambient-oriented Autonomic Networks and Communications
- Ambient Systems Software Engineering
- Ambient Systems Security and Privacy
- Distributed Ambient Artificial Intelligence
- Emerging Ambient Networking, Tracking & Sensing Technologies
- Multimodal Interfaces for Ambient Systems
- Service Oriented Computing for Ambient Systems
- Smart Environments and Applications in Ambient Systems

* Full Paper Submission:                February 10, 2010   
* Acceptance Notification:              March 15, 2010    
* Camera-Ready Submission:              May 01, 2010        
* Conference Days:                      July 26-28, 2010   

The International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and 
Technologies (ANT-2010) is a leading international conference which 
provides an international forum for researchers, developers and 
practitioners from academia, industry, and government to address 
research challenges and to present and discuss research ideas, 
developments and experiences related to the ambient systems 
infrastructure, models, and technologies.
The general aim of ambient systems is to provide an environment 
wherein computing devices exist anywhere and everywhere. In such 
systems mobile and embedded computing devices form ad hoc 
collaboration using different communication networks (e.g., wireless 
networks, RFID, etc) in order to share and exchange information and 
provide services. Ambient systems pose new research challenges due to 
the open and unreliable nature of the environment and the complexity 
and heterogeneity of the computing devices and the underlying 
communication networks. These characteristics challenge traditional 
techniques and demand new ways of approaching the problems related to 
the ambient systems.

Prospective authors are invited to submit papers to the following 
research tracks. Details on topics of each track are available at the 
conference website.

- Ambient-oriented Autonomic Networks and Communications
- Ambient Systems Software Engineering
- Ambient Systems Security and Privacy
- Distributed Ambient Artificial Intelligence
- Emerging Ambient Networking, Tracking and Sensing Technologies
- Multimodal Interfaces for Ambient Systems
- Service Oriented Computing for Ambient Systems & Applications
- Smart Environments and Applications in Ambient Systems

Papers accepted for the conference will be published in the 
proceedings of Communications in Computer and Information Science 
series, Springer.
Selected papers will be invited for publication, in the special issues
(1) Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
(2) Journal of Service Oriented Computing and Applications
(3) Journal of Multiagent and Grid Systems
(4) Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing

Submitted technical papers must be no longer than 10 pages for full 
papers and 6 pages for short papers including all figures and 
references, and must be formatted according to Springer guidelines.


General Chairs
  Nick Cercone, York University, Canada
  Makoto Takizawa, Seikei University, Japan

Program Chairs
  Muhammad Younas, Oxford Brookes University, UK
  Elhadi Shakshuki, Acadia University, Canada
  David Taniar, Monash University, Australia

Advisory Committee
  Albert Zomaya, The University of Sydney, Australia
  Ali Ghorbani, University of New Brunswick, Canada
  Erol Gelenbe, Imperial College, UK
  Katia Sycara, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
  Ralf Steinmetz, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany
  Sajal K. Das, The University of Texas at Arlington, USA
  Vincenzo Loia, University of Salerno, Italy

Program vice Chairs

  Agustinus Waluyo, Institute for Infocom Research, Singapore
  Arantza Aldea, Oxford Brookes University, UK
  Jamal Bentahar, Concordia University, Canada
  Jiang Li, Howard University, USA
  Kevin Curran, University of Ulster, Ireland
  Khaled Ali, Ottawa University, Canada 
  Markus Aleksy, ABB Corporate Research Center, Germany
  Rainer Unland, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
  Soraya Kouadri Most馭aoui, The Open University, UK
  Soumaya Cherkaoui, Universit  de Sherbrooke, Canada
  Takahiro HARA, Osaka University, Japan
  Tarek Sheltami, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
  Tom Lunney, University of Ulster, Ireland
  Tomoya Enokido, Risho University, Japan
  Wenny Rahayu, La Trobe University, Australia
  Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, UAE

Local Arrangement Committee
  Daniel Silver, Acadia University, Canada
  Darcy Benoit, Acadia University, Canada
  Darrell Crooks, Acadia University, Canada
  Duane Currie, Acadia University, Canada
  Elaine Schofield, Acadia University, Canada
  Karen Wilder, Acadia University, Canada
  Richard Cunningham, Acadia University, Canada

Steering Committee
  Elhadi Shakshuki, Acadia University, Canada
  Ismail Khalil, Johannes Kepler University Linz Austria

Awards Chairs
  Mieso Denko, Guelph University, Canada
  Rachid Anane, Coventry University, UK

Publicity Chairs
  Eric Pardede, La Trobe University, Australia
  Jason Gu, Dalhousie University, Canada

  Muhammad Younas, Oxford Brookes University, UK
      Email: m.younas [at] brookes.ac.uk
  Elhadi Shakshuki, Acadia University, Canada
      Email: elhadi.shakshuki [at] acadiau.ca
  David Taniar, Monash University, Australia
      Email: david.taniar [at] infotech.monash.edu.au
