

[dbjapan] CFP:July Conferences

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The Second International Conference on 'Networked Digital Technologies’ (NDT2010)

All the papers will be reviewed and the accepted papers in the conference will be published in the “Communications in Computer and Information Science” (CCIS) of Springer Lecture Notes Series (www.springer.com/series/7899), and will be indexed in many global databases including ISI Proceedings and Scopus. In addition, selected papers after complete modification and revision will be published in the special issues journals.

Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, July 7-9, 2010.

For more information, please visit

The 2010 International Conference on Informatics,Cypernetics and Computer Applications (ICICCA 2010)

Jain University, Bangalore, India, July 19-21, 2010.

For more information, please visit

The 2010 International conference on the Business and Digital Enterprises (ICBDE 2010)

Gopalan Educational Society, Bangalore, India, July, 22-24, 2010.

For more information, please visit