

[dbjapan] CPF : The 22nd Australasian Database Conference (ADC2011)



投稿締切日 8月16日
開催地   パース(1月17日から20日)

                                               東大生研 中野
Call-for-Paper: The 22nd Australasian Database Conference (ADC2011)
Perth, Australia, 17-20 January 2011

The Australasian Database Conference series is an annual forum for sharing
the latest research and novel applications of database systems.
The 22nd Australasian Database Conference, ADC 2011, will be held in
Perth, Australia, as part of the Australasian Computer Science Week
As with previous years, registration to the Australasian Database Conference
will enable delegates to attend sessions in any conference participating
in the
Australasian Computer Science Week (http://www.computing.edu.au/acsw2011/).

Key Areas:
"	Databases for bioinformatics
"	Databases and ontologies
"	Data mining/knowledge discovery
"	Data warehousing
"	Database integration issues
"	Mobile Databases
"	Federated, distributed, parallel and grid databases
"	High dimensional and temporal data
"	Image/video retrieval and databases
"	Information retrieval, filtering and dissemination
"	Logic in databases
"	Performance issues of databases
"	Privacy and Security in Databases
"	Query processing and optimisation
"	Semi-structured data
"	Spatial data processing/management
"	Stream Data Management
"	Uncertain and probabilistic databases
"	Web databases
"	XML and graph databases
"	Data as "services"
"	Web service management
"	Cloud data and services
"	Social media data management

Important Dates:
16 August 2010: Submission of full papers
4 October 2010: Notification of authors
5 November 2009: Final version due

Paper Submission:
ADC 2011 invites papers describing original contributions
in all fields of database research and applications. Papers should be no
than 10 pages in length conforming to the formatting instructions for the
series Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology
(CRPIT). Each paper will be judged on its originality, significance,
technical quality, relevance to ADC, and presentation. Submissions of a
should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at
least one author will attend the conference to present the work. Submission
to ADC 2011 will be electronically by following this link
Authors will first be asked to submit an abstract, then to upload the full
paper using the paper-id assigned by the system. The proceedings of this
event will be published by the ACS in the CRPIT Series. The formatting
requirements and resources for authors can be found on the CRPIT Authors
together with a list of all upcoming volumes

中野 美由紀	東京大学 生産技術研究所 戦略情報融合国際研究センタ
Miyuki NAKANO	Institute of Industrial Science, Univ. of Tokyo
        Center for Information Fusion
miyuki [at] tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp