[dbjapan] 【final CFP】 Web and Wireless GIS 2011 (W2GIS2011)
- To: dbjapan [at] dbsj.org
- Subject: [dbjapan] 【final CFP】 Web and Wireless GIS 2011 (W2GIS2011)
- From: Taro Tezuka <tezuka [at] media.ritsumei.ac.jp>
- Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 15:40:13 +0900
日本データベース学会の皆様 立命館の手塚です。 9月30日が投稿締切となりました W2GIS2011 の開催案内を流させていただきます。 以前も流させていただきましたが、投稿締切が近付いたため再度のご案内になります。 第10回を迎えました Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS2011) は3月に京都での開催になります。 地理情報システムを中心に、空間データの利活用、位置情報サービスなど、幅広く対象としております。 論文集は Springer の Lecture Notes in Computer Science として発行されます。 また、優秀論文は Transactions in GIS に推薦を行わせていただきます。 この機会にぜひご投稿いただけましたら幸いです。 手塚太郎 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Papers 10th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS 2011) 03 - 04 March, 2011, Kyoto, Japan http://www.w2gis.org The continuing advances in the development of Wireless and Internet technologies generate ever increasing interest in the diffusion, usage, and processing of geo-referenced data of all types - geomedia. Spatially aware wireless and Internet devices also offer new ways of accessing and analyzing geo-spatial information in both real-world and virtual spaces. Consequently, new challenges and opportunities have been provided that expands the traditional GIS research scope into the realm of Intelligent Media - including geomedia with context-aware behaviours for self-adaptive use and delivery. Our common aim is research-based innovation that increases the ease of creating, delivering and using geomedia across different platforms and application domains that continue to have dramatic effect on society. The 2011 Symposium, hosted by Kyoto University, is intended to provide an up-to-date review of advances in recent development of Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS). W2GIS is a series of successful events alternating locations between East Asia and Europe, with the most recent event held in Maynooth, Ireland. The 10th Symposium is returning to Kyoto, where the W2GIS series was first launched in 2001. We invite submissions that address theoretical, technical, and practical issues of W2GIS and Intelligent GeoMedia. Reports on ongoing implementations and applications research are particularly welcome. Suggested topics should address research & development issues related to W2GIS and/or Intelligent GeoMedia applications: - GeoSpatial databases, spatial search, data mining - Mobile spatial interaction - GeoWeb search engines and services - GeoSocial Networks - Spatio-temporal Data Management - GeoSensor data acquisition, processing and analysis - Smart environments and ambient spatial intelligence - Exploratory cartography and interfaces - 3D modelling of cityscapes for LBS - LBS applications in both real-world and virtual spaces - Security, privacy, and usability - Cyber-geography & augmented reality - Semantic geospatial web - Intelligent Media structure, interaction, and distribution - Telematics and GIS applications - Ubiquitous and wireless GIS - Map personalization and adaptation - User studies and evaluations - Indoor and outdoor locationing, wayfinding, and navigation Accepted papers will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Best papers will be invited for extended publication in Transactions in GIS journal. Each paper must be written in English, should be limited to 6000 words, and submitted in a PDF file. Each paper must include a short abstract and a list of keywords indicating subject classification. The full names and addresses of the authors should be printed only on the title page. The author who is the contact person should be indicated as such. Acceptance of a paper means an obligation for at least one of the authors to present the paper at the conference venue. Authors can refer to http://w2gis.org/ for detailed formatting instructions, submission information and to contact symposium chairs. Important Dates - September 30, 2010 - Full paper submission - November 30, 2010 - Notification of acceptance - December 15, 2010 - Camera-Ready copy due - March 3 - 4, 2011 - Symposium Symposium Chairs K. Tanaka, Kyoto University, Japan P. Frohlich, FTW, Austria K. Kim, NICT, Japan Steering Committee M. Bertolotto, University College Dublin, Ireland J.D. Carswell, DIT, Ireland C. Claramunt, Naval Academy Research Institute, France M. Egenhofer, NCGIA, USA K.J. Li, Pusan National University, Korea T. Tezuka, Ritsumeikan University, Japan C. Vangenot, University of Geneva, Switzerland ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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