

[dbjapan] Final Call for SIGIR 2011 Workshop Proposals: Due Jan. 28 - SIGIR 2011, Beijing, China



NIIの神門 典子と申します。
提出しめきりが近づきましたので、再度、ACM-SIGIR 2011のワークショップ

提出期限は、日本時間の1月29日(土)20:00 までです。


Call for Workshop Proposals:
The 34th Annual ACM SIGIR (2011) Conference
July 28th, 2011, Beijing, China

Proposal Submission Due: January 28th, 2011

Proposals are solicited for workshops as part of the SIGIR Conference. Workshops will be held for one day on July 28, 2011, Beijing, China. Topics should match those identified in the SIGIR general call for participation.

SIGIR workshops provide a platform for presenting novel ideas in a less formal and possibly more focused way than the conference itself. The format of each workshop is to be determined by the organizers, but it is expected that workshops will contain ample time for general discussion and engagement by all participants - not just those presenting papers. Workshops that foster collaboration, discussion, and group problem-solving are encouraged. Workshops that only involve the presentation of papers are discouraged.

Researchers and practitioners from all segments of the information retrieval community are invited to submit proposals for review. The organizers of approved workshops are expected to define the workshop's focus, gather and review submissions, and decide upon final program content. Organizers (including co-organizers) are expected to attend their entire workshop and to provide an article for the SIGIR Forum summarizing the event. Therefore, an author is not expected to be appeared in multiple workshop proposals as a (co-)organizer.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions describing proposed workshops should include

  1. The theme and purpose of the workshop.
  2. Motivation for the workshop and appropriateness to SIGIR.
  3. Planned activities and a tentative schedule of events.
  4. Selection process for participants and/or presenters and maximum number of participants (if limited).
  5. Names of potential program committee members (if a program committee will be formed).

If the workshop has been held previously at SIGIR or another conference, then the organizers should indicate this and describe briefly past attendance and outcomes, and why another workshop is needed.
The submission should also include a short biographical sketch for each organizer, describing relevant qualifications and experience.
Proposals should be in pdf format and not exceed 1000 words. Proposals should be emailed to the 2011 SIGIR Workshop Co-chairs, Noriko Kando (kando <at> nii.ac.jp) and Luo Si (lsi <at> purdue.edu).

Important Dates

  • January 28, 2011: Workshop Proposals Due (by 23:59 in Apia Samoa time)
  • March 5, 2011: Notifications Sent (Preliminary Plan)
  • July 24-28, 2011: SIGIR Conference (workshops to be held on July 28, 2011)

Workshop Co-Chairs

  • Noriko Kando, National Institute of Informatics, Japan.
  • Luo Si, Purdue University, U.S.A