[dbjapan] 【参加募集】iDB2011ワークショップ講演会【どなたでも参加OK!参加無料】
- To: dbjapan [at] dbsj.org
- Subject: [dbjapan] 【参加募集】iDB2011ワークショップ講演会【どなたでも参加OK!参加無料】
- From: Takako Hashimoto <takako [at] cuc.ac.jp>
- Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2011 09:20:13 +0900
日本データベース学会の皆様: 千葉商科大学の橋本です。 iDBワークショップ2011(2011年8月1日〜3日)内で開催いたします講演会について ご案内させていただきます。 iDBワークショップ本体はクローズドな会ですが、講演会はどなたでもご自由に参加できます。 また参加費も無料です。ぜひ奮ってご参加いただけますようよろしくお願い致します。 ====================================================================== iDB2011ワークショップ講演会 http://db-event.jpn.org/idb2011/invited/ 主催: 日本データベース学会,情報処理学会データベースシステム研究会 電子情報通信学会データ工学研究会 ====================================================================== 日時: 2011年8月2日 13:15〜16:30 [予定] (iDBワークショップ2011内イベント) 会場: 立命館大学 朱雀キャンパス http://www.ritsumei.jp/accessmap/accessmap_suzaku_j.html 住所: 〒604-8520 京都市中京区西ノ京朱雀町1 参加費: 無料 参加登録: 不要 8月1日から3日にかけて立命館大学 朱雀キャンパスで開催されるiDBワーク ショップ2011にて,データベースおよびデータ工学分野で世界的に活躍されてい る著名海外研究者による講演会を 開催致します.参加登録,参加費は無料で す.ぜひ奮ってご参加いただけますようよろしくお願い致します. なお,本ワークショップの連続開催イベントとして,「情報処理学会データベー スシステム研究会(SIG-DBS),情報基礎とアクセス技術研究会 (SIG-IFAT)の合同 研究会(*1)」,「電子情報通信学会DE研究会(*2)」が開催されます.各研究会への参加を 予定されている皆様、ぜひこちらの講演 にも参加をご検討ください. (*1) http://www.ipsj.or.jp/09sig/kaikoku/2011/DBS152IFAT103.html (*2) http://www.ieice.org/ken/program/index.php?tgid=IEICE-DE ■講演会プログラム (2011年8月2日 13:00〜16:15 [予定] ) 1. On Matching Web-scale Entity Graphs Prof. Seung-won Hwang (POSTECH, Korea) This talk introduces the problem of matching web-scale entity graphs, such as multilingual name graphs and social network graphs, to solve difficult problems such as name translation or social id finding. While existing approaches focus on using textual (or phonetic) similarity or Web co-occurrences, this approach combines the strength of the two and significantly outperforms the state-of-the-arts. We present our evaluation results using real-life entity graphs. 2. An Effective Approach for Topic-Driven Opinion Summarization Prof. Kam-Fai Wong (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Topic-driven opinion summarization (TOS) plays an important role in helping users digest online opinions, which targets to extract a summary of opinion expressions specified by a query, i.e. topic-specific opinionated information (TOI). A fundamental problem in TOS is how to effectively represent the TOI of an opinion expression so that salient opinions can be summarized to meet user’s preference. Existing approaches for TOS are either limited by the mismatch between topical information and its corresponding opinionated information or lack of ability to measure opinionated information when associated with different topics (queries), which in turn affect the performance of TOS seriously. In this paper, we represent a TOI by a semantically richer information unit, word pair, constructed by a sentiment word together with its corresponding topic-specific word. We further propose a weighting scheme to measure word pair and compute the associative score between sentiment and topic word of individual word pair. Then, we integrate word pair into a random walk model for opinion expression ranking and adopt maximal marginal relevance method for summarization. Experimental results showed that salient opinion expressions are effectively weighted to be assigned top rank for TOS and achieved significant improvement in F value over other representations. 3. Context-Aware Search: Approaches and Applications Prof. Daxin Jiang (Microsoft Research Asia) Capturing the context of a user's query from the previous queries and clicks in the same session leads to better understanding of the user's information need. In this talk, I will present several approaches to modeling users’ search context and their applications to query suggestion, URL recommendation, and document re-ranking. We evaluated our approach on real data sets consisting of billions of queries, clicks, and search sessions. The experimental results clearly show that our context-aware approach is both effective and efficient. 4. Data Mining and the 'Curse of Dimensionality' Dr. Arthur Zimek (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany) This talk sketches the infamous 'curse of dimensionality' in its relevance for data mining algorithms and reports on some exemplary approaches to mining high-dimensional data. ※ この他,Prof. Sourav Bhowmick (Nanyang Technological University) による 講演も予定しています. -- Takako Hashimoto, Ph. D. Coordinator, IEEE R10 Women In Engineering Vice Chair, IEEE Japan Council Women In Engineering Associate Professor, Chiba University of Commerce 1-3-1, Konodai Ichikawa City, Chiba, 272-8512 Japan, tel:+81-47-373-4222 takako [at] cuc.ac.jp
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