

CFP: GreeNets 2012: October 24-26, 2012 - Gandia, Spain

 2nd International Conference on Green Communications and Networking - GreeNets 2012 
24th and 26th October 2012 
Gandia, Spain
 - The event is endorsed by the European Alliance for Innovation
   (www.eai.eu), a leading community-based organisation devoted to the
   advancement of innovation in the field of ICT
 - All accepted papers will be published by Springer and made available
   through SpringerLink Digital Library, one of the world's largest
   scientific libraries
 - Proceedings will be submitted for indexing by Google Scholar, ISI,
   EI Compendex, Scopus and many more
Global warming and climate change have been a growing worldwide
 concern. Six sources, i.e., transportation, power, buildings,
 industry, agriculture and forestry, and land use, have been identified
 as major contributors to the rise of global carbon dioxide (CO2). The
 mobile industry is seen as a potential enabler to reduce greenhouse
 gases contributed by these six sources provided that appropriate
 measures are implemented. On the other hand, the mobile industry
 itself will also contribute to CO2 emission through network
 operations, mobile equipments, etc. To meet the requirement of
 low-carbon economy development, it is necessary to reduce the
 operation expenditure or energy consumption of mobile networks, while
 maintaining acceptable quality of service. This conference will
 explore and explain the scope and challenges of designing, building,
 and deploying GreeNets. In this regard, the conference aims to
 establish a forum to bring together research professionals from
 diverse fields including green mobile networks, system architectures,
 networking & communication protocols, applications, test-bed and
 prototype, traffic balance and energy-efficient cooperation
 transmission, system and application issues related to GreeNets.
The conference invites original technical papers that were not
 previously published and are not currently under review for
 publication elsewhere. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Communications and Networking:
   Communication techniques and protocols for GreeNets
   Energy-efficient transmission technologies based on the cooperation
   Scalable and flexible energy efficiency mobile network
   architectures, deployments, and applications
- Energy-efficient network architecture & protocols:
   Scalability and mobility issues in energy efficiency cross-layer
   MAC Protocols and QoS Designing for mobile networks
- Systems and Technology:
   Transactions and workflows in green mobile networks
   Adaptability and stability of green mobile networks
   Mobile and multimedia supported green mobile networks
   Experimental and test bed studies for energy efficiency mobile
   networks, simulation tools
- Energy-efficient management:
   Energy-efficient traffic balance, cooperation and management
   Distributed energy efficiency resource management techniques
   Protocols for cooperative management and control
Accepted papers will be published in Springer's LNICST series and will
 appear in the SpringerLink, one of the largest digital libraries
 online that covers a variety of scientific disciplines, as well as in
 the ICST's own EU Digital Library (EUDL).
LNICST volumes are submitted for inclusion to leading indexing
 services, including DBLP, Google Scholar, ACM Digital Library, ISI
 Proceedings, EI Engineering Index, CrossRef, Scopus.
[Paper submission]
All the papers formatted according with the instructions have to be
 submitted through the conference online system at:
[Important dates]
 Abstract Submission Deadline: May 1, 2012
 Full Paper Deadline: May 10, 2012
 Notification of Acceptance: June 11, 2012
 Camera-ready: July 16, 2012 
Conference dates: 24th - 26th October 2012
 [Conference organising committees]
General Co-Chairs:
 Jaime Lloret, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain 
Joel Rodrigues, Institute of Telecommunications, University of Beira Interior, Portugal
 TPC Co-Chairs:
 Liang Zhou, Nanjing University of Posts and Telcommunications, China 
Eduardo Nakamura, Federal Univ. of Amazonas, Brazil
Industry Track Chair:
 Jose Maria Alcaraz Calero, Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Bristol, UK
Workshop Chair:
 Javier Aguiar, University of Valladolid, Spain
Special Session Chair:
 Jose Soler, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark
Panel Chair:
 A.v. Senthil Kumar, HINDUSTHAN College of Arts & Science, India
Posters Chair:
 Kayhan Zrar Ghafoor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Local Co-Chairs:
 Diana Bri, Universidad Politecncia de Valencia, Spain 
Miguel Garcia, Universidad Politecncia de Valencia, Spain
Publicity Chairs:
 Sandra Sendra, Univ. Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
 Min Chen, Seoul National University, Korea
Web Chair:
 Alejandro Canovas, Universidad Politecncia de Valencia, Spain
Steering Committee:
 Athanasios Vasilakos, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece 
Imrich Chlamtac, Creat-Net, Italy

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 fostering ICT enabled innovation to improve European competitiveness
 and to benefit society. EAI uses open e-platforms to inspire
 grassroots collaboration among all relevant actors, from organizations
 to individuals, to stimulate community driven innovation to its
 institutional and individual members worldwide. Through EAI,
 organizations find ideas and talent, and individual innovators find
 organizations for their ingenuity and craft. Join the innovation
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