

Call for Papers: EIDWT-2012, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania, September 19-21, 2012

Call for Papers: EIDWT-2012, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania, September 19-21, 2012, sponsored by Cisco Systems Inc. and Intel Romania
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The 3rd International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies (EIDWT-2012)
In conjunction with 4th IEEE INCoS-2012 International Conference
September 19-21, 2012
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
Sponsored by Cisco Systems, Inc. and Intel Romania

Important Dates
Submission Deadline: April 25th, 2012
Authors Notification: June 5th, 2012
Author Registration: July 6th, 2012
Final Manuscript: July 6th, 2012
Conference Dates: September 19th-21st, 2012

The 3-rd International Conference on on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies (EIDWT-2012) is dedicated to the dissemination of original contributions that are related to the theories, practices and concepts of emerging data technologies yet most importantly of their applicability in business and academia towards a collective intelligence approach. In particular, EIDWT-2012 will discuss advances about utilizing and exploiting data generated from emerging data technologies such as Data Centers, Data Grids, Clouds, Crowds, Mashups, Mobile Networks, Social Networks and/or other Web 2.0 implementations towards a collaborative and collective intelligence approach leading to advancements of virtual organizations and their user communities. Thus, the scope of EIDWT-2012 is to discuss methods and practices (including P2P) which bring various emerging data technologies together to capture, integrate, analyze, mine, annotate and visualize data made available from various community users in a meaningful and collaborative for the organization manner. Finally, EIDWT-2012 aims to provide a forum for original discussion and prompt future directions in the area.

EIDWT-2012 is aiming at delivering a forum for in-depth scientific discussions amongst the communities leading to significant contributions in areas such as:

  • Social Networking and Mining
  • Natural Inspired Computing for Collective Intelligence
  • Groupware and Online Campuses
  • Ontologies and Metadata Representation
  • Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
  • Databases and Data Warehouses
  • Data Security, Trust and Reputation
  • Web Science and Business Intelligence
  • Data Management and Information Retrieval
  • Data Modelling, Visualisation and Representation Tools
  • Data Centers and Cloud Computing
  • Data Centers and IT irtualization Technologies
  • Web Science and Business Intelligence
  • Machine Learning on Large Data Sets and Massive processing
  • Natural Inspired Computing for Emerging Intelligence
  • Data Sensing, Integration, Querying
  • Management of Big Data in Clouds
  • Ubiquitous Intelligence and Reality Mining
  • eScience data sets, repositories, digital libraries and infrastructures
  • Energy-aware and Green Computing in Data Centers
  • Emerging Trends and Innovations in Data Technologies
Proceedings of the EIDWT-2012 will be published by IEEE Conference Publishing Service (IEEE CPS), and submitted for indexing through INSPEC. Produced by the IET1, INSPEC is the leading English-language bibliographic information service providing access to the world`s scientific and technical literature in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering, computers and computing, and information technology. If interested, you can learn more about INSPEC at http://www.iee.org/publish/inspec. All CPS conference publications are also submitted for indexing to EI's Engineering Information Index, Compendex, (Elsevier) , and ISI Thomson's Scientific and Technical Proceedings, ISTP/ISI Proceedings, and Current Contents on Diskette (ISI Thomson). For more information on the indexing services, visit the Conference Publishing Services page. Conference proceedings are also submitted for indexing to DBLP Bibliography. Presented papers at EIDWT-2012 will be considered for publication in several Special Issues in International Journals:
  • Journal of Internet Technology (JIT) (SCI Indexed)
  • Inderscience, International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet) (SCI Indexed)
  • International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking (IJVCSN) (EI Indexed)
   Leonard Barolli, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan (barolli AT fit.ac.jp)
   Fatos Xhafa, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain (fatos AT lsi.upc.edu)

General Co-Chairs
   Stefan Trausan-Matu, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
   Nik Bessis, University of Derby, UK
   Fatos Xhafa, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain

Program Co-Chairs
   Ciprian Dobre, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
   Natalia Kryvinska, University of Vienna, Austria
   Maozhen Li, Brunel University, UK

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