

Call for Participation: the First Extremely Large Databases Conference at Asia (XLDB Asia 2012)


XLDB Asia 2012の参加案内をお送りさせて頂きます。
Lightning talk proposalの締切が4月30日となっております。
Call for Participation: the First Extremely Large Databases Conference
at Asia (XLDB Asia 2012)


The Extremely Large Databases (XLDB) series of Conferences/workshops
(xldb.org) have been held successfully in USA and Europe in recent
years. The first XLDB satellite conference at Asia (XLDB Asia) will be
held at Beijing, China on June 22-23, 2012.

This conference will bring together people with highly demanding data
challenges, and researchers and solution providers who are developing
systems to address such challenges.

The conference will facilitate discussions on:
* The state of the art data handling technologies on extremely large datasets; 
* Practical use cases of current and anticipated data challenges;
* Lessons and innovations on building extremely large databases;
* Trends and strategies for surmounting current hurdles.

The conference will provide a meeting place for database researchers,
for businesses with advanced solutions, and for people from many
research disciplines, industries and organizations who need to
urgently address real data challenges.

The program will include invited talks representing database-intensive
scientific and industrial applications, database research and DBMS
vendors.  The conference will also invite proposals for lightning
talks (allocated five minutes per talk), followed by poster
discussions.  If you are interested in giving a lightning talk, please
send an abstract with less than 500 words to
lightningtalks [at] xldb-asia.org 
before April 30, 2012.


Lightning talk proposal deadline: April 30, 2012.
Registration Deadline: June 5, 2012 
Meeting starts: Friday, June 22, 2012 
Meeting ends: Saturday, June 23, 2012 


Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China

Program Committee

* Jacek Becla (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University, USA)
* Lei Chen (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong) 
* Wei Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) 
* Martin Kersten (CWI, the Netherlands)
* Rubao Lee (Ohio State University, USA)
* Beng Chin OOI (National University of Singapore)
* Satoshi Oyama (Hokkaido University, Japan)
* Xiaofeng Meng (Renmin University, China)
* Sanghyun Park (Yonsei University, Korea)
* Fusheng Wang (Emory University, USA)
* Haixun Wang (Microsoft Research Asia, China)
* Xiaoyang Sean Wang (Fudan University, China)
* Jan-Jan Wu (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
* Zhiwei Xu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) 
* Xiaofang Zhou (The University of Queensland, Australia)

Organizing Committee

XLDB Asia General Chair
* Xiaofeng Meng (Renmin University, China) 

XLDB Asia Program Committee Chair
* Fusheng Wang (Emory University, USA) 

XLDB Asia Organizing Chair
* Zhiwei Xu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

XLDB Series Chair
* Jacek Becla (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University, USA)

Local Organizing Committee
* Wei Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) 
* Xiaofeng Meng (Renmin University, China)
* Fusheng Wang (Emory University, USA)
* Haixun Wang (Microsoft Research Asia, China)