NTCIR-10参加募集 NTCIR-Mathタスク
- To: dbjapan [at] dbsj.org
- Subject: NTCIR-10参加募集 NTCIR-Mathタスク
- From: Akiko Aizawa <aizawa [at] nii.ac.jp>
- Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2012 14:57:23 +0900
日本データベース学会の皆様 国立情報学研究所の相澤と申します. 情報検索(サーチ)と情報アクセス技術の評価ワークショップ NTCIR-10における数式検索パイロットタスクのお知らせです. 科学技術論文中の数式検索や,数式定義のアノテーション データを使ったタスクを企画しています.ご興味のある方は どうぞ参加をご検討下さい. ########################################################## CALL FOR TASK PARTICIPATION NTCIR10-Tasks: Math Task: Math Retrieval Subtask and Math Understanding Subtask Http://ntcir-math.nii.ac.jp/ Topics released: October 2012 Evaluation results released: February 2013 Final NTCIR-10 workshop: June 18-21 2013 ########################################################## ### OVERVIEW ### Mathematical formulae are important means for dissemination and communication of scientific information. They are not only used for numerical calculation but also for clarifying definitions or disambiguating explanations that are written in natural language. The NTCIR Math Task aims to explore search methods tailored to mathematical content through the design of suitable search tasks and the construction of evaluation datasets. Despite the importance of mathematical modeling and analysis in many scientific disciplines, most of the contemporary retrieval systems do not facilitate users' access to mathematical expressions in target scientific documents. Researchers that are eager to work on this problem are faced with two major obstacles. First, there exists only a few readily available resources with mathematical structured information. Second, there are neither carefully designed tasks nor established evaluation methods for mathematical content access. With this background in mind, the NTCIR Math Task pushes forward the establishment of new challenges in mathematical information retrieval by providing shared datasets and a common evaluation platform to interested researchers. ### TASKS ### Math Retrieval Subtask: Given a provided dataset, systems must return a ranked list of search results. There are three different search scenarios: Formula Search (automated) Search for formula queries within the formulae database of the used dataset Full-Text Search (automated) Search the document collection using formula queries. Queries are combinations of keywords and formulae. Open Information Retrieval (semi-automated) Search the document collection using free textual queries. Math Understanding Subtask: Given a scientific paper with its MathML representation, extract all the natural language definitions for the mathematical objects. ### IMPORTANT DATES ### May, 2012 Initial dataset and example topics released Early-mid October, 2012 Topic release for Open IR search type Late October, 2012 Topic release for Formula, Full-text search types, and Math understanding subtask Early November, 2012 Submissions due for Formula, Full-text search types, and Math Understanding subtask Mid November, 2012 Submissions due for Open IR search type February, 2013 Evaluation results released March, 2013 Draft papers for NTCIR-10 Proceedings due May, 2013 Camera ready for NTCIR-10 Proceedings due June 18-21 2013 NTCIR-10 Meeting ### DATASETS ### Participants need to download the datasets for Math Retrieval Subtask and/or Math Understanding Subtask on the NTCIR Pilot Task: Math Task website. Dataset and example topics are available upon request. Please contact NTCIR-math organizers : ntcir10adm-math (at) nii.ac.jp ### HOW TO PARTICIPATE ### Task registration page is available on the NTCIR-10 website. http://research.nii.ac.jp/ntcir/ntcir-10/howto.html Please note that task participants must write a paper for the NTCIR-10 meeting (unrefereed) and have at least one representative attending the meeting at NII, Tokyo in June 2013. ### ORGANISERS ### Akiko Aizawa, National Institute of Informatics, Japan Michael Kohlhase, Jacobs University Bremen Iadh Ounis, University of Glasgow ### QUESTIONS? PLEASE CONTACT ### ntcir10adm-math (at) nii.ac.jp ### LINKS ### NTCIR Pilot Task: Math Task website http://ntcir-math.nii.ac.jp/
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