CFP - Deadline July 15. Connected Vehicles: 2012 IEEE/IFAC/TRB International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo (ICCVE 2012)
- To: dbjapan [at] dbsj.org
- Subject: CFP - Deadline July 15. Connected Vehicles: 2012 IEEE/IFAC/TRB International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo (ICCVE 2012)
- From: Jaime Lloret Mauri <jlloret [at] dcom.upv.es>
- Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2012 02:01:22 +0200
- Cc:
2012 IEEE/IFAC/TRB International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo (ICCVE 2012) Technically Sponsored by: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) IEEE Vehicular Technology Society IEEE Consumer Electronics Society IEEE Industrial Electronics Society IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society IEEE Standards Association IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) TRB (Transportation Research Board) Conference website: www.iccve.org _________________________________ Connected Vehicles is an emerging technical field which crosses multiple disciplines and industries including automotive, travel & transportation, information technology, communications, consumer electronics, industrial electronics, media & entertainment, energy & utilities, insurance, etc. By connecting vehicles with various devices, services and participants, we are able to make our mobility more enjoyable and sustainable. The first annual International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo (ICCVE 2012) will be held at the China National Convention Center on December 12-16, 2012, in Beijing, China. Technically sponsored by IEEE, IFAC and TRB, the conference serves as a first-ever platform that gathers all the relevant communities and domains together. More than 1,000 experts, practitioners and policy makers from all around the world will present the latest innovations and advances on connected vehicles, share the experience and insights, forecast the trends and opportunities, and discuss the policy, economics and social implications. The 5-day conference program will feature paper sessions and workshops, industry summits and forums, demos, exhibits, tutorials, tours, and an applications contest. We are proudly and excitedly inviting you to participate in and enjoy this world-class festival. Full Papers: Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers (IEEE standard format, double column, 10-point font, 6 pages maximum with 2 additional pages allowed but at an extra charge) for presentation at the conference and publication in the Proceedings. Short Papers: Furthermore, authors are also invited to submit 2-page short papers to showcase results recently obtained in industry or academia. Accepted short papers will also be presented at the conference. The IEEE templates in Microsoft Word and LaTeX format can be found at: http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html Paper submission at: http://edas.info/N12795 All submissions should be written in English, must be electronically submitted in PDF format, and will be peer-reviewed. Please contact the Technical Program Committee (tpc [at] iccve.org) if you have any questions. Important Dates Full Paper Submission: Jul 15, 2012 Short Paper Submission: Jul 31, 2012 Notification of Acceptance: Aug 31, 2012 Final Paper Submission: Sep 30, 2012 Conference Dates: Dec 12-16, 2012 Accepted and presented papers will be published in the ICCVE 2012 Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore? by IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS). All CPS conference publications are submitted for indexing through INSPEC?, EI's Engineering Information Index, Compendex?, (Elsevier http://www.ei.org/), and ISI Thomson's Scientific and Technical Proceedings?, ISTP?/ISI Proceedings, and Current Contents on Diskette? (ISI Thomson http://www.isinet.com/). To be published in the ICCVE 2012 Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore?, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the full (member or non-member) rate and the paper must be presented at the conference. Non-refundable registration fees must be paid prior to uploading the final IEEE formatted, publication-ready version of the paper. For authors with multiple accepted papers, one full registration is valid for up to 3 papers. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: --------------------------------------------------- 1. Wireless Communications and Vehicular Networking --------------------------------------------------- V2V, V2I and V2X Communications; Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET); Delay-Tolerant Networks (DTN); Mesh Networks and Sensor Networks; In-Vehicle Networks and Communications; Networking with Other Road Users; Vehicular Network as a Sensor Network; Security and Privacy; Reliability and Dependability; Architecture, Algorithms and Protocols (MAC, Routing, Mobility Management, Data Dissemination, etc.); In-Network Processing and Aggregation; Modeling, Simulation, Emulation and Performance Evaluation; Performance, Quality-of-Service (QoS) and Management; Signal Processing; Antennas and Propagation; Radio Resource Management; Energy Management; Multiple Antenna Systems and Space-Time-Frequency Processing; Transmission and Modulation; Opportunistic and Cooperative Networking; Cognitive Radio / Software Defined Radio and Spectrum Sensing; Cooperative Communications, Distributed MIMOs and Relaying; PHY and MAC Layer Design for Cooperative Wireless Networks; Wireless Multiple Access; Cross-Layer Design and Optimization; 3G/3.5G/4G (UMTS, HSPA, CDMA2000, 1x EV-DO, TD-SCDMA, WiMAX); 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE and LTE-Advanced); Wireless PANs, LANs, MANs and WANs (e.g. IEEE 802.15, 11, 16, 20); Satellite & Space Communications; Access Networks; Fixed-Mobile Convergence; Green, Energy-efficient and Energy-aware Networks and Communication Systems; Green Communication Applications and Services; Energy Saving and Footprint Reduction; Human Electromagnetic Exposure and Electromagnetic Pollution; Emission Modelling and Environmental Impact Assessment; Impact on Transportation Efficiency and Safety; Experimental Systems, Field Operational Tests and Testbeds; Standardization and Economical Models; Regional Requirements and Consequences; Applications and Services in Industries (Transportation, Logistics, Automotive, Smart Cities, Smart Grid, etc.). ------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Mobile Internet, Mobility Internet and Internet of Things ------------------------------------------------------------ Mobile Web-based Applications and Services; Information Distribution Services and Location Based Services; Context Aware Applications and Services; Broadband and Multimedia Applications and Services (IPTV, DMB, etc.); Wireless Body Area Network Applications; Service Architectures and Middleware; Service Creation and Composition; Security in Mobile Applications and Services; Digital Convergence; Mobile e-Commerce; Mobile Cloud; Augmented Reality; 3D Internet; Next Generation Internet; Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS); Machine-to-Machine (M2M); Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing; Edge Computing and Appliance; Big Data; Internet of Things (IoT); IoT Architectures; IoT Sensors and Actuators; IoT Networks and Communications; IoT Data Processing and Storage; IoT Reliability and Security; IoT Management and Maintainance; IoT Industry Solutions (Transportation, Logistics, Automotive, Smart Cities, Smart Grid, etc.); IoT Business Models and Ecosystem. ----------------------------------------------------------- 3. Cooperative Driving, Intelligent and Autonomous Vehicles ----------------------------------------------------------- V2V, V2I and V2X Systems, Applications and Services; Telematics Systems, Applications Services; Driver Assistance; Active Safety (Lane Departure Warning/Lane Keeping Assistance, Collision & Blindspot Warning, Active Pedestrian Protection, Backover Protection, Collision Imminent Braking, Collision Avoidance); Vehicle Environment Perception; Driver State and Intent Recognition; Driver Behavior Monitoring; Eco-Driving, Eco-Routing and Energy-Efficient Vehicles; Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems; Vehicle-Highway Automation; Impact on Traffic Flows; Vision, Radar, Lidar Systems and Processing in Vehicles and ITS; Audio and Speech Systems and Processing in Vehicles and ITS; Data Fusion and Information Integration in Vehicles and ITS; Pattern Analysis and Computational Intelligence in Vehicles and ITS; Human Factors and Consumer Experience in Vehicles and ITS; Human-Machine Interface and Interaction (HMI) in Vehicles and ITS; Assistive Mobility Systems; Automated, Intelligent and Autonomous Vehicles and Robots; Architectures for Intelligent Autonomous Systems (Land, Marine, Aerial and Space Vehicles); Fault Tolerant Autonomous System Architectures; Smart Sensors, Sensor Networks and Sensor Integration for Autonomous Vehicles and Robots; Multiple Vehicle Systems and Networks of Autonomous Vehicles; Multiple Robot Systems and Networks; Cooperative Robots and Cooperative Driverless Vehicles; Decision Making for Autonomous Driving; Applications, Case Studies and Test Evaluations of Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles; Field Robotics (Search and Rescue, Agriculture, Humanitarian Demining, etc.); Indoor Robotics (Entertainment, Service Robots, Domestic Robots, Rehabilitation and Biomedical Robotic, etc.); Navigation, Guidance and Control of Autonomous Vehicles; Intelligent, Autonomous and Autonomic Systems in ITS; Experimental Systems, Testbeds and Field Trials. ----------------------------------------------- 4. Automotive Electronics and Automatic Control ----------------------------------------------- Automotive Electronics Outlook and Roadmap; Sensors and Actuators in Vehicles and ITS; Vehicle Fuel Efficiency through Connectivity; Remote Service Provisioning and Over-the-Air Upgrading; Infotainment, Navigation and Telematics Systems; Safety, Security and Evacuation Systems; User Interfaces (Haptic, Speech, HUD, Biometric, etc.); In-Vehicle Audio/Video; In-Vehicle Accessories; Automotive Camera Systems; Vehicular Signal Processing; Instrumentation, Measurement, Diagnostics and Prognostics; Tire-Pressure Monitoring; Non-traction Motor Drives; High Temperature Electronics; Lower Power Consumption Devices; Vehicle Bus; Electronic Control Units (ECU); On Board Units (OBU); System-level, Board-level and Chip-level Electronics; Highly Integrated Automotive Electronics; System-On-a-Chip; Embedded Systems, Operating Systems, Middleware and Applications; Electrical & Electronic Systems; Electro-Mechanical Designs and Micro-electromechanical Systems (MEMS); Electronics Reliability; Electro Magnetic Compatibility; Automotive Control and Mechatronics; Drive-by-Wire, X-by-Wire Controls; Powertrain and Propulsion Controls; Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and Smart Speed Controls; Vehicle Dynamics and Stability Controls; Vehicle State Estimation; Human Factors in Driving Dynamics; Integrated Motion Control; Control Systems in Road Facilities and Roadside Infrastructure. ---------------------------------------- 5. Transportation and Connected Vehicles ---------------------------------------- Traffic Theory, Modeling, and Simulation; Traffic and Travel Data and Information; Computational Transportation and Society; Cloud Computing for Transportation; Transportation Performance Data and Connected Vehicles; Floating Vehicles and Traffic Flow Analysis; Traffic Management; Traffic and Communications Networks; Intelligent Infrastructure and Guidance Systems; Traffic Control and Routing; Incident and Disaster Detection and Management; Congestion Management and Avoidance; Congestion Control by Cooperative Data Analysis; Infrastructure Capacity Management; Road Charging, Tolling and Electronic Toll Collection; Vehicle Clearance and Safety Inspection; Parking Management and Electronic Parking Payments; Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety and Mobility systems; Mass Transit and Regional Transit Systems; Fleet and Commercial Vehicle Operations (Secure Cargo Management, Hazardous Goods Tracking, etc.); Connected Vehicles for Special Needs; Vehicle Ownership and Usage Alternatives (Shared Ownership, Renting, etc.); Pay-as-you-Drive (PAYD) and Vehicle Insurance; Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII); Emergency Warning System for Vehicles; Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control; Cooperative Forward Collision Warning; Intersection Collision Avoidance; Highway-Rail Intersection Warning; Transit or Emergency Vehicle Signal Priority; Approaching Emergency Vehicle Warning; In-Vehicle Signing; Rollover Warning; Probe Data Collection; Multimodal Transportation (Journey Planner, Real Time Traveller Information, Payment and Ticketing, Outdoor and Indoor Navigation, etc.); Innovative Multimodal Mobility Services (Public Transport, Vehicle Sharing, etc.); Green, Environmental and Sustainable Transportation; Integration of Transportation Systems into Urban Environments; Experimental Systems, Testbeds and Field Trials; Deployment Strategies and Predictions; Implementations and Practices; Innovative Concepts for Promoting Traffic Safety and Mobility. ------------------------------------------------------ 6. Electric Vehicle and Transportation Electrification ------------------------------------------------------ Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV); Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV); Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV); Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV); EV System Architecture Concepts for Passenger, Service and Utility Vehicles; EV Systems Modeling, Simulation and Testing; EV Components (Powertrains and Controllers, High Voltage Wiring, Thermal Systems, etc.); EV Energy Storage Solutions (Battery Chemistry, Ultra Capacitor, Fuel Cell, Battery Management System, etc.); EV Charging Solutions (AC and DC Conductive Charging, Wireless Charging, Smart Charging, Fast Charging, etc.); EV Power Electronics; EV Mass Production and Manufacturing; EV Maintainability; EV Mobility Services and Customer Experience; Power Grid Opportunities and Challenges for EV Charging/Discharging; Power Grid and Renewable Energy Resource Interfacing for EV Mass Deployment; Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) and Interconnection of Devices with Smart Grid; EV Infrastructure Support; EV Fleet and Infrastructure Asset Management; IT and Communications for EV and EV Ecosystem; Global Standards Developments for EV and their Impact on EV R&D, Supply Chain, Manufacturing and Deployment; New Concepts and New Trends in EV R&D, Supply Chain, Manufacturing and Deployment; EV-related Educational Programs for Engineers, Legislators and Customers; International View on EV Market Development. ----------------------------------------------------- 7. Geographic, Spatial and Social Information Systems ----------------------------------------------------- Positioning, Navigation and Localization Systems; LBS (Location Based Services) and SOLOMO (Social, Local, Mobile) Applications and Services; Map Data and Map Features for Connected Vehicles and ITS; Indoor Positioning and Navigation; Vehicle, Pedestrian and Robot Positioning and Navigation; Location-aided Communications and Services; Satellite (GPS, GALILEO, GLONASS, COMPASS, etc.) and Terrestrial Solutions for Accurate and Reliable Positioning; Cellular based Positioning and Hybrid Approaches; UWB and Narrow Band Positioning; MIMO Positioning; Distributed and Collaborative Localization; Geoscience and Remote Sensing for Connected Vehicles and ITS; Aeronautical and Maritime Systems. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Manufacturing and Product Safety Engineering in Connected Vehicles --------------------------------------------------------------------- Manufacturing and Product Safety Engineering of Vehicles and Automotive Electronics; Manufacturing and Product Safety Engineering of In-Vehicle and Mobile Consumer Electronics; Manufacturing and Product Safety Engineering of ITS Devices; OEM Global Supply Chain; Aftermarket Supply Chain. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Practices, Recommendations and Standards in Connected Vehicles ----------------------------------------------------------------- Vehicular Networking Standards and Practices; Electric Vehicle and Smart Grid Standards and Practices; ITS Standards and Practices; Other Emerging Standards and Practices for Connected Vehicles and ITS; Adoption of IEEE 802 Standards (WiFi/WAVE/MESH, ZigBee, Bluetooth, WiMAX, etc.) in Connected Vehicles and ITS; Adoption of Cellular Standards (2G/3G/4G) in Connected Vehicles and ITS; Adoption of DSRC, CALM, RFID, Satellite, MM-wave, Infrared, and Other Standards in Connected Vehicles and ITS. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Policy, Economics and Social Implications of Connected Vehicles ------------------------------------------------------------------- Policy, Governance, Cooperation and Organisation for Connected Vehicles and ITS; Economics, Business Model and Financing of Connected Vehicles and ITS; Social Implications, Impact Assessment and Benefits of Connected Vehicles and ITS; Education, Training and Awareness of Connected Vehicles and ITS; Connected Vehicles and ITS in Developing Countries. For more information, visit www.iccve.org
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