

Fwd: {Call for Paper} IAIT2012: Extended submission deadline to July 20, 2012




---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: IAIT2012 <iait [at] sit.kmutt.ac.th>
Date: 2012/7/5
Subject: {Call for Paper} IAIT2012: Extended submission deadline to
July 20, 2012
To: somchaic [at] sun.ac.jp

Dear Somchai Chatvichienchai,

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement]

Extended submission deadline to July 20, 2012

Call for Papers

The 5th International Conference on Advances in Information Technology

(IAIT 2012)

Date: 6th – 7th December, 2012. Venue: Bangkok, Thailand

The 5th International Conference on Advances in Information Technology
(IAIT2012) aims to provide a forum for researchers, educators,
government officers, consultants, private sectors, managers,
developers and others in the rapidly growing field of information
technology to meet, discuss and exchange ideas on recent advances. The
synergy of this gathering will greatly benefit the global IT society.
Authors are being invited to submit their original work in the
following areas. All submissions will be subjected to at least two
blind reviews. Acceptance will be based entirely on quality, relevance
and originality.

1. Objectives

The conference is an opportunity for international researchers and
industrial practitioners to present their work and achievement in both
theoretical and application of information technology and its related
fields. It also serves as a venue to foster collaboration among
different industrial organizations and academic institutes.

2. Scope

The relevant topics for this conference cover all areas related to
Applied Information Technology, including, but not limited to, the
following areas:

- e-Business

- e-Government
- e-Learning

- Ethics / Society
- Trust, Recommendations, Evidence, and other
- Legal / Professional Issues

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Digital Media Technology
- IP-Based Software
- Networking
- Inter Personal Communication
- Usability Issues
- Human Computer Interaction
- Mobile Applications

Intelligent Systems
- Artificial Intelligence
- Expert System
- Machine Learning
- Soft Computing

Information Management
- Analysis of Technical Requirement
- Information Assurance and Security
- Information Systems Development
- IT management
- System Integration and Architecture
- Software Modeling and Analysis
- Storage Issues
- XML and other Extensible Languages

Platform Technology
- Distributed System
- GRID Computing
- Green Computing
- Cloud Computing
- Social Computing
- Open Source Technology
- Operating System
- Programming & Integrative Technology
- System Administration and Maintenance
- WWW Applications and Technologies
- Virtual Reality

3. Important Dates

·         Date of Conference: December 6-7, 2012

·         Full manuscript Submission Deadline: July 1, 2012 Extended
deadline : July 20, 2012

·         Notification of acceptance: August 31, 2012

·         Camera ready manuscripts and last day of early bird
registration: September 15, 2012

4. Paper Submission

All submitted papers will be subjected to double-blind reviews by
experts in the field. The accepted papers must be revised, taking into
consideration the referees\' comments and suggestions, before
inclusion in the conference proceedings.

The submission of a paper implies that the paper is original and has
not been submitted elsewhere. In addition, at least one full
registration is required per accepted paper, and the paper must be
presented by an author if accepted.

Full paper

- Oral Presentation
- 10 pages (maximum of 2 more pages are allowed with additional page charges.)

Poster paper

- Poster Presentation
- 6 pages ( maximum of 2 more pages are allowed with additional page charges.)

5. Invited Talks & Panel Discussion

Invited talks will be given by leading pioneers from both academia and
industry. The organizer welcomes contributions from interested
individuals. Anyone wishes to act as an organizer of the panel, please
contact the organizer at: iait [at] sit.kmutt.ac.th for further detail.


Best regards,
IAIT2012 Organizing Committee
E-mail: iait [at] sit.kmutt.ac.th

Website: http://www.iait-conf.org

チャットウィチェンチャイ ソムチャイ
〒851-2195 長崎県西彼杵郡長与町まなび野1-1-1
長崎県立大学 シーボルト校
代表℡: 095-813-5500 内線:4407
Tel/FAX: 095-813-5108 (直)
E-mail: somchaic [at] sun.ac.jp

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