



8月にNiagara Falls, Canadaにて開催される ASONAM 2013(The 2013
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks
Analysis and Mining.)の論文募集をお知らせいたします.



The 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social
Networks Analysis and Mining
Niagara Falls, Canada, August 25-28, 2013

Do not miss the opportunity to participate in the premier conference
in social network analysis and mining. You have one week to complete
your submission to the main conference.

Full paper submission deadline: April 15, 2013 (Please note that the
deadline is final and the submission site will be closed at 11:59pm
PST on April 15, 2013)

ACM IEEE ASONAM 2013 is jointly sponsored by IEEE Computer Society and
The proceedings will be published by the prestigious IEEE CS – CPS;
and will be indexed in IEEE and ACM digital libraries.
Extended versions of the best papers will be invited for publication
in the SNAM journal by Springer.

The study of social networks originated in social and business
communities. In recent years, social network research has advanced
significantly; the development of sophisticated techniques for Social
Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM) has been highly influenced by the
online social Web sites, email logs, phone logs and instant messaging
systems, which are widely analyzed using graph theory and machine
learning techniques. People perceive the Web increasingly as a social
medium that fosters interaction among people, sharing of experiences
and knowledge, group activities, community formation and evolution.
This has led to a rising prominence of SNAM in academia, politics,
homeland security and business. This follows the pattern of known
entities of our society that have evolved into networks in which
actors are increasingly dependent on their structural embedding.

The ACM/IEEE international conference on Advances in Social Network
Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2013) will primarily provide an
interdisciplinary venue that will bring together practitioners and
researchers from a variety of SNAM fields to promote collaborations
and exchange of ideas and practices. IEEE/ACM ASONAM 2013 is intended
to address important aspects with a specific focus on the emerging
trends and industry needs associated with social networking analysis
and mining. The conference solicits experimental and theoretical works
on social network analysis and mining along with their application to
real life situations.

General areas of interest to IEEE/ACM ASONAM 2013 include information
science and mathematics, communication studies, business and
organizational studies, sociology, psychology, anthropology, applied
linguistics, biology and medicine.

More specialized topics within ASONAM include, but are not limited to:

* Adoption of new services on social network platforms
* Agent based social simulation, agent based computational models
* Anomaly detection in social network evolution
* Application of social network analysis
* Application of social network mining
* Applications of social network in business engineering, scientific
and medical domains, homeland security, terrorism and criminology,
fraud detection, public sector, politics, and case studies
* Behavior and identity detection and monitoring
* Communities discovery and analysis in large scale online social networks
* Communities discovery and analysis in large scale offline social networks
* Connection between biological similarities and social network formulation
* Contextual social network analysis
* Contextual social network mining
* Crime data mining and network analysis
* Cyber anthropology
* Dark Web
* Data models for social networks and social media
* Data protection inside communities
* Detection of communities by document analysis
* Dynamics and evolution patterns of social networks
* Economical impact of social network discovery
* Evolution of patterns in the Web
* Evolution of communities in the Web
* Evolution of communities in organizations
* Geography of social networks
* Impact of social networks on recommendations systems
* Incorporating social information in query processing and query optimization
* Information acquisition and establishment of social relations
* Influence of cultural aspects on the formation of communities
* Knowledge networks
* Large-scale graph algorithms for social network analysis
* Misbehavior detection in communities
* Migration between communities
* Multi-Actor/Multiple-
Relationship Networks
* Multi-agent based social network modeling and analysis
* Open source intelligence
* Pattern presentation for end-users and experts
* Personalization for search and for social interaction
* Preparing data for Web mining
* Political impact of social network discovery
* Privacy, security and civil liberty issues
* Recommendations for product purchase, information acquisition and
establishment of social relations
* Recommendation networks
* Scalability of social networks
* Scalability of Search algorithms on social networks
* Social and cultural anthropology
* Social geography
* Social psychology of information diffusion
* Spatial Networks
* Spatio-temporal aspects in social networks and social media
* Statistical modeling of large networks
* Temporal analysis on social networks topologies
* Trust networks, evolution of trust
* Visual representation of dynamic social networks
* Web mining algorithms
* Web communities

Important Dates:
April 8, 2013:   Abstract submission (encouraged)
April 15, 2013 : Full paper submission deadline
May 20, 2013 : Notification of acceptance
May 31, 2013 : Camera-ready papers due
May 31, 2013 : Presenting author registration due

Papers reporting original and unpublished research results pertaining
to the above topics are solicited (Proceeding indexed by EI). Full
paper submission deadline is April 15, 2013. These papers will follow
an academic review process. Full paper manuscripts must be in English
with a maximum length of 8 pages (using the IEEE two-column template).
Submissions should include the title, author(s), affiliation(s),
e-mail address(es), tel/fax numbers, abstract, and postal address(es)
on the first page. Papers should be submitted to the Conference Web
site:   https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=asonam2013,
If Web submission is not possible, manuscripts should be sent as an
attachment via email to ozyer [at] etu.edu.tr by April 15, 2013. The
attachment must be in PDF or Word .doc format.

Papers will be selected based on their originality, timeliness,
significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Authors should
certify that their papers represent substantially new previously
unpublished work. Paper submission implies that the intent is for one
of the authors to present the paper if accepted and that at least one
of the authors will register for a full conference fee.