

Fwd: IEEE R10-HTC2013 submission deadline extension to 31 March 2013


本年8月末に仙台で開催されるIEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference の
締め切りが 3月31日に延長となりました.


Takako Hashimoto, Ph. D.
Coordinator, IEEE R10 Women In Engineering
Chair, IEEE Japan Council Women In Engineering
Associate Professor, Chiba University of Commerce
1-3-1, Konodai Ichikawa City, Chiba,
272-8512 Japan, tel:+81-47-373-4222
takako [at] cuc.ac.jp

Begin forwarded message:

差出人: "Fanny Su" <f.su [at] ieee.org>
件名: RE: IEEE R10-HTC2013 submission deadline extension to 31 March 2013
日時: 2013年3月15日 16:19:52 JST

Sent on behalf of R10-HTC2013 publicity chair, Haruko Kawahigashi
(Kawahigashi.Haruko [at] ah.MitsubishiElectric.co.jp)

IEEE R10-HTC2013 Submission deadline extension
March 15, 2013

                               IEEE R10-HTC2013 Organizing Committee
       Publicity Chair Haruko Kawahigashi

The submission deadline of IEEE Region10 Humanitarian Technology Conference
2013 (IEEE R10-HTC2013) is extended to March 31, 2013.
We welcome submission and participation from all over the world.

IEEE R10-HTC2013 will be held in August 26-29, 2013, at Tohoku University
Kawauchi-North Campus, Sendai, Japan.  It is sponsored by IEEE R10-HTC2013
Organizing Committee, and co-sponsored by IEEE Region
10 Humanitarian AdHoc Committee and Japan Council on behalf of nine IEEE
Sections all Japan.

More information is available on the R10-HTC2013 website.

If you have any questions please, contact Hirohisa Gambe, vice chair of the
organizing committee at gambe [at] ieee-jp.org

Fanny Su (Executive Director)
IEEE Asia Pacific Ltd/
Communications Society Office
No. 1, Fusionopolis Walk,
#04-07, South Tower, Solaris
Singapore 138628
Tel no: (65) 6778-2873
Fax no: (65) 6778-9723
Email: ieeeapo [at] pacific.net.sg