CFP: The First Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Medical and Healthcare Fields in conjunction with IJCNLP 2013
- To: "dbjapan [at] dbsj.org" <dbjapan [at] dbsj.org>
- Subject: CFP: The First Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Medical and Healthcare Fields in conjunction with IJCNLP 2013
- From: Yuki Arase <yukiar [at] microsoft.com>
- Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2013 06:37:33 +0000
- Accept-language: en-US
- Cc: Eiji ARAMAKI <eiji.aramaki [at] gmail.com>
- Thread-topic: CFP: The First Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Medical and Healthcare Fields in conjunction with IJCNLP 2013
日本データベース学会のみなさま、 Microsoft Research Asiaの荒瀬由紀と申します。 10月に名古屋で開催されますIJCNLP 2013の併設ワークショップ The First Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Medical and Healthcare Fields の論文募集ををお知らせいたします(6月7日締め切り). ご投稿をご検討いただければ幸いです. 荒瀬由紀 =============== CALL FOR PAPERS The First Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Medical and Healthcare Fields =============== (Co-located with IJCNLP in Nagoya, Japan, October 18, 2013 (after IJCNLP)) Submission Deadline: June 7, 2013 OVERVIEW In medical and healthcare fields, there are a lot of unstructured and text data of valuable information, such as patient status and medication. Recently, more and more medical and healthcare texts in an electronic format have become available.
For example, on one hand, many medical records are now written in an electronic format in place of paper format. On the other hand, a large number of people who are suffering from disease have been describing and discussing their health conditions with supporters
on the Internet. This trend leads to high demand of providing an information processing technique in these fields. Extracting knowledge from these medical and healthcare text can bring advantages to medical and clinical research, drug development, and our
daily healthcare. In this workshop, by focusing on the analyses of text data from medical and healthcare fields, this workshop collectively discusses the following issues related to these fields: * What kind of information is written in medical health records and what type of knowledge do medical professionals utilize when keeping these records * How we can extract valuable information and knowledge from medical and healthcare text * What we can do with extracted information and knowledge from medical and healthcare text SUBMISSION INFORMATION We solicit submissions of 2 to 8 pages, which should be prepared according to the ACL 2013 format. All accepted submissions will be presented as posters, and a subset of them may be considered for oral presentation. Submissions reporting
work in progress are acceptable, as we aim for the workshop to offer a venue for stimulating discussions. Submission will be performed through START and will be available starting May 10, 2013. IMPORTANT DATES * Call for Papers: Apr. 6, 2013 * Submission Opens: May 10, 2013 * Paper Submission Deadline: Jun. 7, 2013 * Acceptance Notification: Jul. 29, 2013 * Camera-ready Deadline: Aug. 23, 2013 * Workshop: Oct. 14, 2013 PROGRAM COMMITTEE * Eiji Aramaki, Kyoto University, Japan. [Chair] * Mizuki Morita, The University of Tokyo, Japan. [Chair] * Yuki Arase, MicroSoft Research Asia, China. * Eric Chang, MicroSoft Research Asia, China. * Nigel H. Collier, National Institute of Informatics, Japan. * Son Doan, University of California San Diego, USA. * Mai Miyabe, The University of Tokyo, Japan. * Takashi Okumura, National Institute of Public Health, Japan. * Hoifung Poon, MicroSoft Research, USA. * Ozlem Uzuner, SUNY Albany, USA. INQUERIES For further information, please contact the workshop organizers at eiji.aramaki [at] gmail.com morita.mizuki [at] gmail.com |
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