Call for demos - SustainIT 2013 (deadline June 20)
- To: dbjapan [at] dbsj.org
- Subject: Call for demos - SustainIT 2013 (deadline June 20)
- From: Valerio Arnaboldi <valerio.arnaboldi [at] iit.cnr.it>
- Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2013 20:51:01 +0900 (JST)
------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this e-mail *** ------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR DEMONSTRATIONS The Third IFIP Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT 2013) http://www.dicgim.unipa.it/networks/sustainit2013 October 30-31, 2013 Palermo, Sicily, Italy - Technically sponsored by the IFIP TC6 WG 6.3 (Performance of Communication Systems) - Technically co-sponsored by IEEE TCCC (Technical Committee on Computer Communications) - In cooperation with IEEE TSGCC (Technical Subcommittee on Green Communications and Computing) - Supported by EINS: The Network of Excellence in Internet Science ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCOPE AND OVERVIEW ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUSTAINIT 2013 will feature a demo session providing a forum for researchers and developers from academia, industry, and government to interact and share latest research results on the areas of Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability. Towards this goal, SUSTAINIT seeks participations from all three entities. Demonstrations offer the opportunity to present novel ideas and emerging results through innovative applications and tools. Demo submissions are welcome in all aspects of Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability, including algorithms, protocols, applications, hardware and tools, new research prototypes, testbeds, etc. Authors are asked to submit a demo paper of up to 3 pages (including figures, tables, and references). The demo paper should highlight the main contributions and describe the details of the demonstrations, with a focus on the interaction with the audience. Please refer to the Submission Instructions below for more details. IMPORTANT DATES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Demo paper submission deadline: June 20, 2013 - Acceptance/Reject notification: July 15, 2013 - Camera-ready version due: July 30, 2013 DEMO PAPER SUBMISSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format through EDAS (http://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=14317). Manuscripts must be formatted in accordance with the IEEE Computer Society author guidelines (http://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=14317). Demo papers must be limited to 3 pages, single spacing, double column, and must strictly adhere to the template format. Detailed instructions for manuscript preparation and submission are available on the conference website (http://www.dicgim.unipa.it/networks/sustainit2013/submission.html). FOR MORE INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For questions about the demonstration submission and review process, please contact the SUSTAINIT 2013 Demonstration Co-Chairs: Daniele Puccinelli, SUPSI, Switzerland - daniele (dot) puccinelli (at) supsi ch Pablo Serrano, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain - pablo (at) it (dot) uc3m (dot) es