CFP: Augmented Human 2014
- To: dbjapan [at] dbsj.org
- Subject: CFP: Augmented Human 2014
- From: Tsutomu Terada <tsutomu [at] eedept.kobe-u.ac.jp>
- Date: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 14:20:23 +0900
DBの皆様 神戸大の寺田です. お世話になっております. 来年3月に,神戸で人間拡張に関する国際会議AH2014を開催いたします. 例年面白い発表が多い会議ですので,ぜひご投稿をお願いいたします! 下記CFPを見ていただければわかりますが,締め切りが来年頭ととても遅く,修論や 卒論をぎりぎりまでまとめていても十分間に合うと思います.もう出せずに卒業かな, と思っている修士2年生などにぴったりだと思いますので是非ご投稿をお願いいたし ます. Augmented-Human(人間拡張)という言葉はとても広く,みなさまが取り組んでいるテ ーマにもきっと当てはまるのではないでしょうか. よろしくお願いいたします. ***************************************************************** The Fifth Augmented Human International Conference (AH 2014) Kobe, Japan, March 7th - 9th, 2014 http://cse.eedept.kobe-u.ac.jp/ah2014/ Proceedings to be published in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series ***************************************************************** The third Augmented Human (AH) International Conference will be held in Kobe on March 7th - 9th 2014. The AH international conference focuses on scientific contributions towards augmenting humans capabilities through technology for increased well-being and enjoyable human experience. As in previous years, the conference proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library as a volume in its International Conference Proceedings Series The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Augmented and Mixed Reality Internet of Things Augmented Sport Sensors and Hardware Wearable Computing Augmented Health Augmented Well-being Smart artifacts & Smart Textiles Augmented Tourism and Games Ubiquitous Computing Bionics and Biomechanics Training/Rehabilitation Technology Exoskeletons Brain Computer Interface Augmented Context-Awareness Augmented Fashion Augmented Art Safety, Ethics and Legal Aspects Security and Privacy Submission Categories: 1. Full papers 8 pages, anonymised, long presentation 2. Short papers 4 pages, anonymised, short presentation 3. Demonstration papers 2 pages, anonymised, demo at the conference 4. Poster papers 2 pages, anonymised, poster at the conference For all submissions, we encourage authors to submit supporting video material in addition to the PDF submission. Important Dates: January 11, 2014 Paper Submission Deadline February 5, 2014 Author Notification February 12, 2014 Camera-Ready Due March 7-9, 2014 Conference Date Organizing Committee: General Chair Tsutomu Terada, Kobe University, Japan Program Co-chairs Kai Kunze, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan Masahiko Inami, Keio University, Japan Finance Chair Hideyuki Ando, Osaka University, Japan Demo Chair Takuya Nojima, University of Electro-Communications, Japan Publication Chair Takanori Komatsu, Meiji University, Japan Local Arrangement Chair Kazuya Murao, Kobe University, Japan Web Chair Shen Ruiwei, Kobe University, Japan *** Other Chairs to be decided *** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 寺田 努 (准教授) ◇ Terada Tsutomu (Associate Professor) 神戸大学大学院工学研究科電気電子工学専攻 〒657-8501 神戸市灘区六甲台町1-1 TEL/FAX 078-803-6117 Mail tsutomu [at] eedept.kobe-u.ac.jp URL http://ubi.eedept.kobe-u.ac.jp/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
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