

Re: [dbjapan] APWeb2014デモ論文募集 (4/18締切)







中国湖南省長沙市で開催されます,APWeb2014 のデモ論文の募集をご案内いた
します.LNCS フォーマットで 4 ページと気軽にご投稿頂くことができ,また
優秀なデモ発表には BEST DEMO AWARD の表彰も予定しております.



	  The 16th Asia-Pacific Web conference (APWeb 2014)
	      5-7 September 2014, Changsha, Hunan, China
Call for Demo Proposals

APWeb is a leading international conference on research, development
and applications of Web technologies, database systems, information
management and software engineering, with a focus on the Asia-Pacific
region. The APWeb 2014 Demo program aims to bring together
researchers, developers, and database users from the data management
and Web communities. It offers an exciting and highly interactive way
of demonstrating your databases, systems, services, middleware, and
Web research and is an excellent way of advertising the applicability
of your results. Proposals for demonstrations of products or
prototypes based on innovative research results are solicited.

It is mandatory that all demo proposals describe clearly what will be
demonstrated and how the contributions will be illustrated
interactively. Optionally, proposals can include a URL that shows a
preliminary version of the demo (e.g., screen shots or, even better,
an interactive program).

A BEST DEMO AWARD will also be given out to the best demo(s) presented
in the demo session during the conference.
Topics of Interest

APWeb 2014 demo track will showcase leading-edge work and work in
progress in every area of databases, Web, and their applications. We
are especially interested in products or prototypes in the following

* Advanced application of databases
* Content management
* Data caching
* Data mining and knowledge discovery
* Data and information quality Control
* Data migration and integration
* Deep Web
* Digital libraries
* Distributed and parallel systems
* Grid computing
* Emerging Web techniques
* Information retrieval
* Mobile computing and data management 
* Multidimensional databases and OLAP 
* Multimedia systems 
* Parallel and distributed database systems	
* Peer-to-peer systems
* Performance and benchmarking
* Query processing and optimization
* Semantic web and web ontology
* Security, privacy and trust
* Sensor networks
* Service-oriented computing
* Spatial and temporal databases
* Stream data processing
* Storage and data access methods
* Web community analysis
* Web search and mining 
* Web services
* Workflow and E-services
* XML and semi-structured query processing 
* XML and semi-structured data management

Instructions for Submissions

All submitted demo proposals must be formatted according to the
instructions for submission format for research submissions and must
be no longer than four (4) pages in the Springer LNCS format. This
page limit includes all parts of the paper: title, authors and
affiliation, abstract, body, and bibliography. Accepted demo proposals
will appear in the final proceedings subject to approval by the
proceedings publisher. Demos will be selected based on (i) the novelty
of the demo system, (ii) the novelty and the technical quality of the
underlying research, and (iii) the demonstration scenario and
applications of the presented system or technology.

Online submission: https://cmt2.research.microsoft.com/APWEB2014/

Please note that for every accepted demo, it is required that at least
one person registers for the conference and presents the demo. All
accepted papers will be included in the proceedings published as
Springer's LNCS series.

Important Dates

Demo Proposal Deadline:  April 18, 2014
Author Notification: May 23, 2014
Camera-Ready Deadline: June 6, 2014

Demo Co-Chairs:
Toshiyuki Amagasa, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Feida Zhu, Singapore Management University, Singapore