

[dbjapan] 食メディア国際ワークショップ ショートペーパー募集!


今年のWorkshop on Smart Technology for Cooking and Eating Activities : CEA2014 は,UbiComp2014@Seattleで開催されます.

ロングペーパーの投稿は既に締め切られておりますが,新たにショートペーパーを募集を開始しました。最大6ページで下限はございません(UbiComp workshop指定のフォーマットはかなり余裕があるため、IEEE国際学会論文2カラムのフォーマットで2ページは、指定フォーマット4ページ程度になるとお考えください)。


採択されました論文はフルペーパーと同様、ACM UbiComp'14 Adjunct

_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_   Call for Papers  _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_

       Ubicomp 2014 Workshop on

            Smart Technology for Cooking and Eating Activities (CEA2014)

                                     Seattle, WA, US, September 14, 2014 

      !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     NEW      !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      - Call for short papers of 2 to 6 pages
      - Call for demos on CwC Showcase 
                                   see below for the details.


Cooking is one of the most fundamental activities of humankind.
It is strongly related to social interactions. It is not only connected
with the joy of eating but also deeply affects various aspects of human
life such as health, culinary art, entertainment, and human
Cooking at home requires experience and knowledge. They may also need
support for food-logging and menu planning for their family health.
Needless to say, support for a good and enjoyable meal would improve the
quality of life. Systematic cooking/eating support for elderly or
physically challenged people is also significantly important.

Since people cook by manipulating foods, watching their
conditions, listening to the sounds, smelling the aromas, and tasting it,
a cooking support system also requires multiple sensing capabilities.
Thanks to modern technology, the traditional kitchen is becoming more
intelligent. Recently, home appliances such as refrigerators, microwave
ovens, and cooking stoves, are equipped with multiple sensing devices
and a computing processor. Some may even have additional devices such as
a camera, a microphone, and a RF-ID tag reader built in. Reflecting this
trend, researches on supporting cooking and eating activities have
started throughout the world individually.
CEA has been aiming to provide an opportunity for such research
groups to discover each other, introduce their trials, and discuss their
status and where they should go. The research community of CEA is truly
interdisciplinary, including health science, domestic science, and
cultural science. Even if we limit ourselves to computer science, there
are related works in multimedia, human-computer interaction, natural
language processing, and artificial intelligence. At this year's meeting,
CEA plans to organize a workshop in conjunction with UbiComp2014 to have
a discussion from the viewpoint of ubiquitous and pervasive computing
system, among other perspectives.

* Relevant Topics:
   - Application for cooking and eating support
   - Cooking archiving and recognition
   - Learning contents creation for cooking
   - Analysis of cooking video
   - Recipe image / video retrieval
   - Analysis and utilization of cooking recipes
   - Menu planning, dietary management, and food logging
   - Artificial agent for cooking/eating activity
   - Sensing of taste / smell / texture
   - Social interactions
   - Ubiquitous environment and interface in kitchen
   - Intelligent home appliance
   - Cooking navigation interface for the dementia and physically
    challenged person support
   - Multimedia learning contents for dietary
   - Multimedia information service for food safety and security
   - Analysis of Web contents on cooking and eating activities
   - Case-based reasoning for cooking and eating activities
   - AI technologies applied for cooking and eating activities

                   [Call for Short Papers]

* Important dates for Short Paper
   - Paper submission deadline:  June 18, 2014
   - Notification of acceptance: June 23, 2014
   - Camera ready deadline:      July  3, 2014
   - Workshop date:              September 14, 2014

  Note: Full paper submission has been closed.

* Instructions for Author (Short paper)
The accepted papers will be published in the UbiComp 2014 adjunct
proceedings and included into ACM digital library. All submitted paper
must be in the SIGCHI Extended Abstract format according to the

- Microsoft Word: 
- LaTeX: 

A short paper is required to be within 2-6 pages. Submission must be sent by email 
to cea2014 [at] mm.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp with your manuscript, author names and affiliations. 
Attachments under 5 MB are accepted. Otherwise, please provide a URL or alternatives.

We also encourage the authors to follow the 'Accessibility' section in
main conference web site (but not mandatory).

               [Call for demos on CwC Showcase]

The CwC showcase welcomes all demos of AI-based cooking applications. 
 The aim of this showcase is to invite researchers to demonstrate their 
tools and applications related to cooking, and to provide a time and for 
discussion about how AI and more broadly new information technologies can 
enrich the cooking experience. Hopefully, this will open up new 
possibilities for collaborations! 
 Any type of demo is welcome: web-based cooking application, online recipe 
book, intelligent cooking tools or devices, cooking robots, cooking apps, 
artificially intelligent cooks, recommenders systems for recipes or food ... 
 Demos can be interactive, or be reported on a video. 
 To prizes will be awarded during the showcase: best demo and funniest demo. 

* Imporant dates of CwC Showcase
  - Proposal submission deadline : July   31, 2014 
  - Notification of acceptance :   August 10, 2014 
  - CwC showcase:                  September 14, 2014 

* Instructions for Author (demos on CwC Showcase)
submission must be sent by email to amelie.cordier [at] liris.cnrs.fr.
Submission format is open. Submissions must describe the demo that 
will be presented during the showcase in one page maximum. 
Links to websites, videos or online demos are allowed in the proposal. 

Submission will NOT appear in the proceedings. Their only purpose is to 
enable the jury to select the demo that will be presented during the showcase. 

* Organizing Committee
General chair
Kiyoharu Aizawa (The Univ. of Tokyo, JP)
Organizing chair
Yoko Yamakata (Kyoto Univ., JP)
Program chair
Takuya Funatomi (Kyoto Univ., JP)
CwC Showcase (special demo session) co-chairs
Amelie Cordier (LIRIS, CNRS, FR)
Emmanuel Nauer (LORIA, Univ. of Lorraine, FR)
Publicity co-chairs
Yoshihiro Kawahara (The Univ. of Tokyo, JP)
Shinsuke Nakajima (Kyoto Sangyo Univ., JP)
Advisory co-chairs
Mutsuo Sano (Osaka Institute of Technology, JP)
Ichiro Ide (Nagoya Univ., JP)

* Contact
To reach the organizers: cea2014 [at] mm.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp

* Past activities
   - CEA2013 at ACMMM2013
   - CEA2012 at ACMMM2012
   - CEA2011 at ISM2011
   - CEA2010 at ISM2010
   - CEA2009 at ACMMM2009

中島 伸介  Shinsuke NAKAJIMA
〒603-8555 京都市北区上賀茂本山
京都産業大学 コンピュータ理工学部
TEL/FAX: 075-705-1534(直通)
E-mail: nakajima [at] cse.kyoto-su.ac.jp