

[dbjapan] 論文募集:IEEE MDM 2015(デモ)



モバイルデータ管理分野で著名な国際会議IEEE MDM 2015のデモペーパーの募


原 隆浩

Call for Demos for MDM 2015

The 16th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2015, http://mdmconferences.org/mdm2015/) invites submissions of demonstrations of state-of-the-art research prototypes related to all aspects of mobile data management. We encourage creative and interesting demonstrations with accompanied posters (to your own design) to attract interest to your work for the MDM community. 

Demonstration paper submissions should have 2-4 pages (IEEE proceedings format) and they should be accompanied by a one page (or less) specification of any infrastructural requirements. 

Submissions will undergo a peer review process managed by the Demonstration Chairs. The final camera-ready versions of accepted demo papers must be accompanied by a signed copyright form. 

The Demonstration Chairs will investigate infrastructure needs for the accepted demonstrations, but participants should bring the necessary equipment to the conference with them. Demonstrations will be presented during the demo session at the conference. 

Papers should be submitted through the followig URL (EasyChair):

If there are any questions, please contact to demo chairs (hara [at] ist.osaka-u.ac.jp and adamlee [at] cs.pitt.edu) by e-mail.

Imprtant Dates

Paper submission:.............................January 15, 2015
Acceptance notification:......................February 15, 2015
Camera-ready paper submission:................March 10, 2015

Demo Chairs:

    - Takahiro Hara (Osaka University, Japan)
    - Adam Lee (University of Pittsburgh, USA)