[dbjapan] 論文募集: FTSIS 2014 (SRDS 2014 併設ワークショップ)
- To: dbjapan [at] dbsj.org
- Subject: [dbjapan] 論文募集: FTSIS 2014 (SRDS 2014 併設ワークショップ)
- From: Toshiyuki AMAGASA <amagasa [at] cs.tsukuba.ac.jp>
- Date: Mon, 05 May 2014 18:19:26 +0900 (JST)
日本データベース学会の皆様 10/6 に奈良で開催されます,SRDS 2014 併設ワークショップ Future Technologies for Smart Information Systems (FTSIS 2014) の論文募集をご 案内します.採択論文は IEEE CS より出版されます.国内での国際学会の機会 としてぜひご活用ください. 主要な日程は以下の通りとなっております. 論文投稿締切: 6/25 採択通知: 7/10 カメラレディ原稿締切: 7/20 多数のご投稿お待ち申し上げております. 天笠俊之 ====================================================================== Call for Papers The 1st International Workshop on Future Technologies for Smart Information Systems (FTSIS 2014) in conjunction with the 33rd IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2014) in Nara, Japan, October 6, 2014. http://www.cs.tsukuba.ac.jp/~amagasa/ftsis2014/ ====================================================================== ABOUT THE WORKSHOP The 1st International Workshop on Future Technologies for Smart Information Systems (FTSIS 2014) is a forum for researchers and students who are interested in future technologies for smart information systems (see below for more details). The goal of this workshop is to share novel ideas and research progress, and to discuss future direcsions of smart information systems. We welcome original research contributions that deal with techniques related to smart information systems. The areas of interest include, but are not limited to: * Autonomic, pervasive and ubiquitous computing * Cloud computing and virtualization * Database systems and applications * Databases for emerging hardware * Dependability of distributed systems * Dependable communication networks * Distributed systems and algorithms * Energy-efficient data/network management * Fault-tolerance, reliability, availability in distributed systems * Internet-based systems and applications * Mobile systems * Parallel/distributed operating systems and database systems * Real-time systems * Security, privacy and trust IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission: June 25, 2014. Author Notification: July 10, 2014. Camera-ready: July 20, 2014. Workshop: October 6, 2014. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Papers must be written in English. Regular Papers describing original research as well as design, development and experimental results of operational systems, and Practical Experience Reports describing on-going industrial projects, prototype systems and exploratory or emerging applications should be no longer than 6 pages, strictly following the IEEE two-column format. Accepted papers will appear in the symposium proceedings, which will be published by the IEEE Computer Society. Authors are requested to submit thier papers through the submission site: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ftsis2014 CONTACT ftsis14-chairs _AT_ kde.cs.tsukuba.ac.jp ORGANIZERS Program Co-chairs Yoshiharu Ishikawa (Nagoya University, Japan) Toshiyuki Amagasa (University of Tsukuba, Japan) Web Chair Kei Wakabayash (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
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