

[dbjapan] Sihem Amer-Yahia博士 公開講演会: New Perspectives in Social Data Management


研究者であるSihem Amer-Yahia博士が来日される事になりましたので,
5/20(火)13:30より筑波大学 筑波キャンパスにて公開講演会を開催いたします.



筑波大学 森嶋厚行

Dr. Sihem Amer-Yahia公開講演会

・筑波大学 知的コミュニティ基盤研究センター

日時 5月20日(火)13時30分〜14時30分
場所 筑波大学筑波キャンパス 春日エリア 情報メディアユニオン3階共同研究会議室

講演タイトル: New Perspectives in Social Data Management

Abstract: The web has evolved from a technology platform to a social
milieu where factual, opinion and behavior data interleave. A number 
of social applications are being built to analyze and extract value
from this data, encouraging us to adopt a data-driven approach to
I will describe a perspective on why and how social data management is
fundamentally different from data management as it is taught in school
today. More specifically, I'll talk about data preparation, data exploration
and crowd-sourced validation.
This talk is based on published and ongoing work with colleagues at
 LIG, UT Austin, U. of Trento, U. of Tacoma, and Google Research.

Dr. Sihem Amer-Yahia Bio:
Sihem_Amer-Yahia is DR1 CNRS at_LIG in Grenoble. Her interests are at
the intersection of large-scale data management and social Web
analytics. Until July 2012, she was Principal Scientist at the Qatar
Computing Research Institute where she led a group in Social
Computing. While there, she worked with local Universities on student 
mentoring and with Al Jazeera on news analytics. From 2006 to 2011,
she was Senior Scientist at Yahoo! Research and worked on revisiting 
relevance models and top-k processing algorithms on Delicious, Yahoo! 
Travel, Yahoo! Personals and Flickr. Before that, she spent 
7 years at at&t Labs in NJ, working on XML query_Optimization and XML 
full-text search. Sihem has served on the SIGMOD Executive Board, is 
a member of the_VLDB and the EDBT_Endowments and serves on the editorial 
boards of ACM TODS, the VLDB Journal and the Information_Systems Journal. 
She was track chair of SIGIR 2013 and of PVLDB 2013. She is PC chair of
EDBT 2014 and will be PC chair of BDA 2015 and SIGMOD Industrial 2015. 
Sihem Amer_Yahia received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Paris-Orsay
and INRIA in 1999, and her Diplome d'Ingenieur from INI, Algeria.

筑波大学 知的コミュニティ基盤研究センター 知の共有基盤研究部門
図書館情報メディア系/ 情報学群 情報メディア創成学類
The FusionCOMP Project (CyLog, Crowd4U) 

Atsuyuki Morishima <amorishima [at] acm.org>
Research Center for Knowledge Communities, University of Tsukuba
The FusionCOMP Project (CyLog, Crowd4U) 
Programming Languages and Development Platforms 
for Human Computation and Crowdsourcing Applications