

[dbjapan] Alfred Inselberg先生によるセミナー



多次元データ可視化の代表的手法である平行座標法 (Parallel Coordinate Plot)
で世界的に有名な Alfred Inselberg 先生によるセミナーを以下の日程で開催

 日時 7月3日(金) 15〜18時
 場所 お茶の水女子大学 共通棟3号館408号室


Visualization and Data Mining for High Dimensional Data

A dataset with M items has 2^M subsets anyone of which may be the
one satisfying our objectives. With a good data display and interactivity
our fantastic pattern-recognition can cut great swaths searching through
this combinatorial explosion unlocking surprising insights. That is the
core reason for data visualization. With parallel coordinates the search
for relations in multivariate data is transformed into a 2-D pattern
recognition problem. The knowledge discovery process is illustrated on
several real multidimensional datasets. There is also a geometric
classification algorithm with low computational complexity providing the
classification rule explicitly and visually. The minimal set of variables
required to state the rule, features, is found and ordered by their
predictive value. A complex system is modeled as a hypersurface enabling
interactive exploration of its functions, sensitivities, trade-offs, impact
of constraints and more. An overview of the methodology provides
foundational understanding; learning the patterns corresponding to
various multivariate relations. These patterns are robust in the presence
of errors and that is good news for the applications.  The parallel
coordinates methodology has been applied to collision avoidance and
conflict resolution algorithms for air traffic control (3 USA patents),
computer vision (USA patent), data mining (USA patent) and elsewhere.


Takayuki Itoh (伊藤貴之) (itot [at] is.ocha.ac.jp)
Dept. of Information Sciences, Ochanomizu University