

[dbjapan] 【論文募集:5/25締切】国際会議IEEE GCCE 2018(10/9-12,奈良)



今年10月に奈良にて開催される情報家電に関する国際会議IEEE GCCE 2018についてご案内いたします。



2018 IEEE 7th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2018)
Nara, Japan October 9-12, 2018

2018 IEEE 7th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2018)
is asking for submissions of technical papers for Oral, Demo!, and
Poster presentations. 

The IEEE GCCE 2018 will bring together top technical professionals
from the consumer electronics industry and academia to exchange
information and results of state-of-the-art work on systems, circuits,
technologies, processes and applications!

Student papers are particularly encouraged.

* Important Dates (JST) *
(See http://www.ieee-gcce.org/2018/important.html for details)
Entry Deadline for Submissions (All Categories): May 25, 2018
2-pages Short Paper Submissions (All Categories): May 31, 2018
Notification of Acceptance: July 25, 2018
Visa Desk Opens (for Accepted Authors): July 25, 2018
Deadline of Early-bird Registration: August 20, 2018
Final Paper Submission: August 20, 2018
GCCE 2018: October 9-12, 2018
GCCE 2018 welcomes contributions not only on the regular sessions
but also on the Organized Sessions.

* Organized Sessions *
(See http://www.ieee-gcce.org/2018/organized.html for details)
- OS-AAT:     Audio & Acoustic Technology
- OS-ACE:    Formal Approach to Consumer Electronics
- OS-AIP:    Advanced Image Processing
- OS-AIR:    Artificial Intelligence & Robotics
- OS-CAI:    Cyber-Physical Systems & Artificial Intelligence
- OS-CBS:    Recent Advancements in Cyber Security
- OS-CPS:    Smart Cyber-Physical Systems & Open Data
- OS-DRR: Practical Issues, Systems & Applications for Disaster Risk Reduction
- OS-DSC:    Data Science and Its Application to Consumer Technology
- OS-ELT:    e-Learning Technologies & Their Application
- OS-GAM:    Game Amusement
- OS-HPL: Smart Health Monitoring, Personalized Biomedical & Life Support Technologies - OS-ICE: Deep Learning plus Internet of Things & Application to Consumer Electronics
- OS-IHP:    Informatics of Healthcare & Health Promotion
- OS-ISU: Image Safety & Ubiquitous Interface based on Integrated Sensory Perception
- OS-ITS:    Intelligent Transport Systems
- OS-PEC:    Power Electronics for Domestic Consumers
- OS-PES:    Modeling & Control of Power Electronics System
- OS-PSH:    Large Scale Signal Processing In Smart House
- OS-QOL: Quality-of-life Improvement Technologies in Consumer Electronics
- OS-SHC:    Smart Health Care System using IoT and Smart Devices
- OS-SLP:    Spoken Language Processing for Daily Life
- OS-SSC:    System Software for Consumer Products
- OS-STA:    Sensing Technologies & Applications for Consumer Services
- OS-TMR: Technologies for Multimedia & Real Data Analysis & Processing
- OS-VHS:    Virtual Reality & Games for Health & Safety

* Short Paper Submission for Peer-review *
(See http://www.ieee-gcce.org/2018/instructions.html for details)
Authors are required to submit a 2-page Short Paper for review,
including tables, figures, and references for each paper to EDAS
conference manager system by short paper deadlines.

Please write your paper using Microsoft Word or LaTeX templates
for IEEE conference proceedings on an A4 page without author's
biography, and submit electrically in PDF format. You can find
the template on the IEEE website.

Authors can choose some topics and keywords for each paper when
writing for the review paper submission in the EDAS.

Submitted short papers will be peer-reviewed by the technical
committee based on originality, significance, technical soundness,
and clarity of exposition.

When submitting the review paper, you need not use PDF eXpress.
The check is necessary only for the final paper to be submitted
in August.