

[dbjapan] iCAST 2018のご案内



IEEE SMC Japan Chapter が主要 financial co-sponsor として主催します 
awareness computing に関する国際会議iCAST2018を下記のように開催 
 今回の会議では "Awareness Computing Meets Perceptual Psychology" 
をテーマにして,3rd Int. Five-Sense Symposium (5-SENSE 2018)と 
同時開催してawareness computing研究者と知覚心理系研究者の交流を 

    The 9th IEEE International Conference on 
   Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2018) 


7月1日:  投稿〆切  ← 延長されました!
7月22日:  採否通知 
8月01日:  最終稿投稿〆切 
8月01日:  著者の参加登録〆切 


A: Awareness科学: 
A1: Awareness mechanism and modeling 
A2: Machine learning/deep learning 
A3: Pattern recognition and image understanding 
A4: Neuro-computing/perception/cognition 
A5: Fuzzy logic/granular computing/rough set 
A6: Agent computing/swarm intelligence 
A7: Ontology/semantics 

B: Awareness 技術: 
B1: Context/situation/background/semantics awareness 
B2: Intention/emotion/preference awareness 
B3: Location/position/goal awareness 
B4: Power/energy/capability/resource awareness 
B5: Weakness/risk/danger awareness 
B6: Safety/security/privacy/trust awareness 
B7: Chance/opportunity awareness 
B8: Knowledge/tacit knowledge engineering 

C: Awareness 応用: 
C1: Social network 
C2: Tele-communication/ubiquitous computing 
C3: Image/video/speech/signal processing 
C4: Overlay/P2P networking/M2M 
C5: Big data/web/text mining 
C6: E-business/e-government/e-learning 
C7: Health/child/elderly care 
C8: Smart grid/transportation/public services 
C9: Device/automatic control/robotics 
C10: Cloud computing/internet of things 
C11: Cognitive radio 

D: その他 
Any other topic about information technology is welcome. 

S: 企画セッション 
SS1: Special Session on Intuitive Human-System Interaction 
SS2: Special Session on Intelligent Applications of Data Analysis 
for Context Awareness 
SS3: Special Session on Biomedical Engineering and Healthcare for 
Awareness Science and Engineering 
SS4: Special Session on Effective Pattern classification from 
Multimedia Time Series Data for Assessment of Awareness 


IEEE Xplore Digital Library 

【Sponsors & Supporter】 

co-Sponsor: SMCS Japan Chapter 
co-Sponsor: 九州大学応用知覚科学研究センター 
Supporter: SMCS Technical Committee on Awareness Computing 


Takako Hashimoto, Ph. D.
Vice President, Chiba University of Commerce (Professor)
Director, Institute of Economic Research
Visiting Researcher, UCLA (2015)
Chair, IEEE MGA Membership Recruitment and Recovery (2017-2018)
Chair, IEEE Women In Engineering (2015−2016)
1-3-1, Konodai Ichikawa City, Chiba,
272-8512 Japan, tel:+81-47-373-4222
takako [at] cuc.ac.jp
