

[dbjapan] CFP: CollabTech 2019, Sep. 4-6, 2019, Kyoto, Japan



CollabTech 2019 という国際会議が 9月に京都で開催されます(情報処理学会共催)。

Social Computing も Topics に含まれておりますので,投稿をご検討いただければと思います。

*** CollabTech 2019 Call for Papers ***
The 25th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing
Kyoto, Japan - September 4-6, 2019
Submission Deadline: April 15, 2019
We invite you to participate in the 25th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies
and Social Computing (CollabTech 2019).

The conference is a major forum for both academics and practitioners to exchange their experiences related to the development and use of collaboration technology, and it has a strong focus on technology design and development. Most published papers propose innovative technical + human + organizational approaches to expand collaboration support, often backed up by theory brought from various disciplines including computer science, management science, design science, cognitive science, and social science. However, the conference also seeks papers with theory, models, design principles, methodologies, and case studies that contribute to better understand the complex interrelations between collaboration and technology. Considering the heterogeneity of research in collaboration and technology, researchers may address the validation of their work through multiple approaches including laboratory experiments, fieldwork, analytic evaluations, case studies, prototyping, and empirical tests.
This year, the conference is the first merger of the 2 major conferences CRIWG 
and CollabTech which have been jointly held for the past few years, with slight 
renewal of its name to represent expanding scope of the field. It is held in the 
birthplace of CollabTech, Japan!
*** Topics ***
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to,

- Collaboration technology
  + Multi-user interfaces
  + Collaboration frameworks, toolkits and design patterns
  + Mobile/Web collaboration devices and systems
  + Work-on-demand platforms
  + Physically-embodied collaboration devices and systems
  + VR/AR for collaboration
  + Multi-agent/AI systems supporting collaboration

- Collaboration through social media
  + Online communities
  + Crowdsourcing
  + Behavioral incentives
  + Social media analytics
  + Digital inclusion using social media

- Organization design and engineering
  + Work analysis, work modeling and process management
  + Group decision-making and negotiation
  + Group-oriented knowledge management
  + Virtual, ad-hoc, mobile organizations
  + Measuring team performance

- Collaboration in specific application domains
  + Computer supported collaborative learning(CSCL)
  + Computer supported cooperative design (CSCD)
  + Computer supported inter-cultural collaboration
  + Collaboration in healthcare
  + Open science

*** Important Dates ***
Paper Submission           : April 15, 2019
Notification of Acceptance : May 31, 2019
Poster Abstract Submission : June 10, 2019
Poster Notification        : June 17, 2019
Camera Ready Papers        : June 24, 2019
Conference                 : September 4-6, 2019

*** Submission Guidelines ***
Electronic paper submissions are accepted in two categories: full papers and poster abstracts. Full papers have a length of up to 16 pages, while poster abstracts have a maximum length of 4 pages. Full papers appear in the proceedings, while poster abstracts are made electronically available. Accepted full papers will be published by Springer as part of their Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series (www.springer.com/lncs).
*** Journal Special Issue ***
The authors of the best papers presented at the conference will be invited to submit extended versions to a journal special issue.
*** Organizing Committee ***
- Conference co-chairs
  Hideyuki Takada, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
  Satoshi Ichimura, Otsuma Women's University, Japan
  Ulrich Hoppe, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
- Program co-chairs
  Hideyuki Nakanishi, Osaka University, Japan
Hironori Egi, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan (Collaboration field)
  Irene-Angelica Chounta, Tartu University, Estonia (Social Computing field)
- Financial co-chairs
  Junko Ichino, Tokyo City University, Japan
  Atsuo Hazeyama, Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan
- Publicity chair
  Takashi Yoshino, Wakayama University, Japan
- Local arrangement chair
  Hiroaki Ogata, Kyoto University, Japan
- Local arrangement members
  Maki Ichimura, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
  Juan Zhou, Ritsumeikan Universitty, Japan
- Publication chair
  Nelson Baloian, Universidad de Chile, Chile
- Registration chair
  Kentaro Takano, Fuji Xerox, Japan

高田 秀志/Hideyuki Takada
立命館大学 情報理工学部 システムアーキテクトコース/情報システムグローバルコース