[dbjapan] NTCIR-15キックオフイベント参加募集(2019年9月30日開催)
- To: "dbjapan [at] dbsj.org" <dbjapan [at] dbsj.org>
- Subject: [dbjapan] NTCIR-15キックオフイベント参加募集(2019年9月30日開催)
- From: "Makoto P. Kato" <mpkato [at] slis.tsukuba.ac.jp>
- Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2019 03:52:07 +0000
- Accept-language: ja-JP, en-US
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- Thread-topic: NTCIR-15キックオフイベント参加募集(2019年9月30日開催)
日本データベース学会のみなさま, (重複して受け取られた場合にはご容赦ください) 筑波大学の加藤と申します. 今年から来年の12月にかけてNTCIR-15が行われます. 情報検索・自然言語処理などに関する様々なタスクが企画されておりまして, それらのタスクの紹介を2019年9月30日,国立情報学研究所にて実施する予定です. ご興味があればご参加いただければ幸いでございます. ========================================================== NTCIR-15 Evaluation of Information Access Technologies Call for Participation to the NTCIR-15 Kick-off Event http://research.nii.ac.jp/ntcir/ntcir-15/ September 30 (Monday) 2019, 15:00 - 17:00 National Institute of Informatics (NII), Room 1901-1903, Tokyo, Japan ========================================================== The collaborative activity for enhancing information access technologies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Development of information access technologies based on techniques of information retrieval, natural language processing, and database management becomes increasingly more important for many applications (e.g., providing effective access to Web resources and text archives, and analyzing big data obtained from various kinds of sensors). It is indispensable for developing such technologies to experimentally evaluate them by using test collections constructed under collaborations of many researchers. Over the 20 years, NTCIR has been formulating the infrastructure for the evaluation, and contributing to development of the information access technologies. NTCIR has been the major forum for researchers to intensively discuss the evaluation methodology of emerging information access technologies. As the details have been finalized for NTCIR-15, we would like to hold an event to introduce the NTCIR-15 and exciting new evaluation tasks. Are you a researcher in information access area, a faculty member, a researcher in industry, or simply interested in informatics? Anyone is welcome for the event! Join us to share the advance of the state of the art information access research and development! NTCIR in Numbers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evaluation tasks organized from NTCIR-1 to NTCIR-14: 87 Research groups participating from NTCIR-1 to NTCIR-14: 1,008 NTCIR test collection users: 4,654 NTCIR-15 Kick-off Event ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date/Time: September 30 (Monday) 2019, 15:00 - 17:00 Location: National Institute of Informatics, Room 1901-1903, Tokyo, Japan (Access: http://www.nii.ac.jp/en/about/access/ ) Opening: 14:30 Fees: Free (No registration is required) Kick-off Event Tentative Program ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Overview of NTCIR - What’s new in NTCIR-15 - Introduction of NTCIR-15 Tasks - Why participate? - How to participate - Important Dates - Q & A NTCIR-15 Tasks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE TASKS ## DialEval-1 (Dialogue Evaluation) http://sakailab.com/dialeval1/ Given a customer-helpdesk dialogue, estimate the quality of the entire dialogue and/or classify each customer/helpdesk turn. ## FinNum-2 (Numeral Attachment in Financial Tweets) https://sites.google.com/nlg.csie.ntu.edu.tw/finnum2020 Numeral attachment in financial tweets ## QA Lab-PoliInfo-2 (Question Answering Lab for Political Information) http://poliinfo2.net/ Generating a summary of speeches in Japanese local assembly minutes, classifying a political stance of a speaker, and identifying a mention in a speech as the same real world entity ## SHINRA2020-ML (SHINRA 2020 Multi-lingual) https://aip.riken.jp/labs/goalorient_tech/lang_inf_access_tech/shinra2020-ml/?lang=en Categorizing 30 language Wikipedia into Extended Named Entity categories ## WWW-3 (We Want Web with CENTRE) http://sakailab.com/www3/ Adhoc web search, with optional replicability and reproducibility runs PILOT TASKS ## Data Search (Data Search) https://ntcir.datasearch.jp/ Ad-hoc retrieval for statistical data ## MART (Micro Activity Retrieval Task) http://ntcir-mad.computing.dcu.ie Detecting microactivities in a rich multi-modal lifelogging sensor streams Contact Us ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For further information, please contact NTCIR Project Office at ntc-secretariat [at] nii.ac.jp . We are looking forward to your participation! NTCIR-15 Program Co-Chairs: Noriko Kando (National Institute of Informatics) Yiqun Liu (Tsinghua University) NTCIR-15 General Co-Chairs: Charles Clarke (Facebook) Noriko Kando (National Institute of Informatics) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Makoto P. Kato, Associate Professor Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science, University of Tsukuba Email: mpkato [at] slis.tsukuba.ac.jp ( mpkato [at] acm.org ) HP : https://www.mpkato.net/ — 加藤 誠 筑波大学 図書館情報メディア系 准教授 〒305-8550 茨城県つくば市春日1-2 筑波大学 筑波キャンパス 春日エリア 7D棟308 Tel: 029-859-1367 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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