

[dbjapan] 第20回Web工学国際会議(ICWE2020)の参加募集の案内





Call for Papers

The International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE) is the premier annual conference showcasing advances in Web Engineering methods, platforms, languages, tools and emerging technologies. 
ICWE aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from various disciplines in academia and industry to tackle research and development challenges in the engineering of Web applications as well as dealing with the far-reaching impact of the Web on media, society and culture.

List of Topics

The 20th edition of ICWE will accept contributions on a wide spectrum of topics related to Web Engineering, including but not limited to the following:
?Web application modeling and engineering
?Web mining, big data analytics and knowledge extraction 
?Semantic Web and Linked Open Data
?Web crowdsourcing, social and human computation
?Mobile Web application engineering
?Web of Things
?Web composition and mashups
?Web programming languages, tools and frameworks?Web Assembly
?Microservice and Web API engineering
?Web user interface design
?Redecentralization of the Web
?Web-based learning
?Quality aspects of Web applications:?Accessibility and Usability
?Security and Privacy
?Reusability and Composition
?Mobility and Distribution
?Performance and Scalability
?Testability and Quality Assurance
?Maintainability and Sustainability

Important Dates
?Abstract submission: Sunday Jan 19, 2020
?Paper submission: Sunday Jan 26, 2020
?Paper notification: Fri Feb 28, 2020
?Camera ready: Thu March 19, 2020
?Conference: June 9-12, 2020