

[dbjapan] [CfP] Applied Sciences (IF: 2.474) on Recent Developments in Creative Language Processing


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去年開催した Creative Language Processing
特集号が思わぬほど人気を集めたため今年もそのフォローアップとしてApplied Sciencesジャーナル(Impact Factor: 2.474)にて新たな特集号を開催します.なお「Recent Developments in Creative Language Processing」への論文募集を行っております.原稿の投稿締め切りは2021年11月1日ですが,論文が投稿された時点で早速査読に送られ,採択されたらすぐに公開となります.


北見工業大学 情報システム工学科 1号棟5103号室
〒090-8507 北見市公園町165番地
TEL/FAX: 0157-26-9327
michal [at] mail.kitami-it.ac.jp

Applied Sciences (Impact Factor: 2.474)

Special Issue "Recent Developments in Creative Language Processing"

Aims and scope

The SI focuses on topics deepening the knowledge on the creative use of
language. Instead of taking up basic topics from the fields of CL and NLP,
such as improvement of part-of-speech tagging, we will promote research
focused on such creative topics as humor processing, deceptive language
processing, figurative language processing, and others for which the
generally perceived state-of-the-art has not been established yet.

Target audience

The SI is addressed at the audience comprised of scientists, researchers,
scholars, students and practitioners performing research in the analysis
or generation of language, with a specific weight put on studies focused
on the creative use of language, and the creative methods for the
processing of language. The Special Issue will not accept research on
basic topics for which the field has been well established, such as
improvement of part-of-speech tagging, etc., unless they directly
contribute to the idea of creative processing of language phenomena.

List of Topics

The Special Issue will invite papers on topics listed, but not limited to
the following:

- natural language processing
- computational linguistics
- creative language processing
- figurative language processing
- NLP applications
- natural language generation
- emotional language processing
- humor and joke processing
- deceptive language detection
- emoticon processing
- automatic cyberbullying detection
- fake news detection
- abusive language processing
- story generation
- poetry generation

Submission Guidelines

See the webpage for details:

Outline Timetable

Deadline for submitting manuscripts: November 1, 2021

Special Issue Editors:

Michal Ptaszynski (Kitami Institute of Technology,
michal [at] mail.kitami-it.ac.jp)
Rafal Rzepka (Hokkaido University, rzepka [at] ist.hokudai.ac.jp)
Pawel Dybala (Jagiellonian University, pawel.dybala [at] uj.edu.pl)

For further information, please feel free to contact Michal Ptaszynski.