

[dbjapan] ★時間変更★ DBSJ & ACM SIGMODJ 講演会のご案内(8月5日午前10時半〜)  ★ Virtualized Cloud ★




 ☆☆☆ 8月5日 講演会のご案内   ☆☆☆
> 共催 日本データベース学会
>    ACM SIGMOD日本支部
>    特定領域研究「情報爆発IT基盤」
> 日時 8月5日(木) 午前10時半〜12時半
> 場所 東京大学生産技術研究所 E棟 5階 会議室A(Ew-501)
>        http://www.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/map/index.html
> Speaker : Prof. Ling Liu (Georgia Institute of Technology)
> Title : Performance Measurements and Analysis of
>          Network I/O Applications in Virtualized Cloud
> 参加費 無料
> 参加ご希望の方は、
>  日本データベース学会のホームページにて
>    ( http://www.dbsj.org/ )
>    会員登録の後(会費無料、すでに登録されている方は結構です)、
>        sigmodj_lecture [at] tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jpに
>    下記の参加申込書をお送り下さい。
> 皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。
>                          日本データベース学会 国際関係委員会 委員長
>                          (ACM SIGMOD日本支部 支部長) 横田 治夫
>                         連絡先  中野 美由紀
>                          連絡(問合せ)先 日本データベース学会、
>                         ACM SIGMOD 日本支部
>                                  sigmodj_lecture [at] tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
>                 http://www.dbsj.org/
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> To: sigmodj_lecture [at] tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
> 日本データベース学会・ACM SIGMOD日本支部共催 講演会 参加申し込み
> 8月5日(木)の講演会に参加
> ・名前   
> ・ご所属
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Program
> Title : Performance Measurements and Analysis of
>      Network I/O Applications in Virtualized Cloud
> Speaker:
> Prof. Ling Liu (Georgia Insitute of Technology)
> Server virtualization offers the ability to slice large, underutilized
> physical servers into smaller, parallel virtual machines (VMs), enabling
> diverse applications to run in isolated environments on a shared
> hardware platform. However, current implementation of virtual machine
> monitor does not provide sufficient performance isolation to guarantee
> the effectiveness of resource sharing, especially when the applications
> running on multiple virtual machines of the same physical machine are
> competing for computing and communication resources. In this talk, we
> present our performance measurement study of network I/O applications in
> virtualized cloud. We first report our experimental study on the
> performance interference in parallel processing of CPU and network
> intensive workloads in the Xen Virtual Machine Monitors (VMMs). . We
> focus our measurement based analysis on performance impact of
> co-locating applications in a virtualized cloud platform in terms of
> throughput and resource sharing effectiveness, including the impact of
> idle instances on applications that are running concurrently on the same
> physical host.  We present four key findings that are critical to
> effective management of virtualized cloud environments for both cloud
> service providers and cloud consumers. First, running network-intensive
> workloads in isolated environments on a shared hardware platform can
> lead to high overheads due to extensive context switches and events in
> driver domain and VMM.  Second, co-locating CPU-intensive workloads in
> isolated environments on a shared hardware platform can incur high CPU
> contention due to the demand for fast memory pages exchanges in I/O
> channel. Third, identifying factors that impact the total demand of the
> exchanged memory pages is critical to the in-depth understanding of the
> interference overheads in I/O channel in the driver domain and VMM. Last
> but not least, running CPU-intensive workloads and network-intensive
> workloads in conjunction incurs the least resource contention,
> delivering higher aggregate performance. We show that by strategically
> co-locating network I/O applications, performance improvement for cloud
> consumers can be as high as 34%, and the cloud providers can achieve
> over 40% performance gain.
> Bio:
> Ling Liu is a full Professor in the School of Computer Science at
> Georgia Institute of Technology. She directs the research programs in
> Distributed Data Intensive Systems Lab (DiSL), examining various aspects
> of large scale data intensive systems with the focus on performance,
> availability, security, privacy, and energy efficiency. Prof. Liu and
> her students have released a number of open source software tools,
> including WebCQ, XWRAP, PeerCrawl, GTMobiSim. Prof. Liu has published
> over 250 International journal and conference articles in the areas of
> databases, distributed systems, and Internet Computing. She is a
> recipient of the best paper award of ICDCS 2003, WWW 2004, the 2005 Pat
> Goldberg Memorial Best Paper Award, and 2008 Int. conf. on Software
> Engineering and Data Engineering. Prof. Liu has served as general chair
> and PC chairs of several IEEE and ACM conferences in data engineering
> and distributed computing fields and editorial board of a number of
> International journals. Currently Prof. Liu is on the editorial board of
> Distributed and Parallel Databases (Springer), Journal of Parallel and
> Distributed Computing (JPDC), IEEE Transactions on Service Computing
> (TSC), and Wireless Network (WINET, Springer). Dr. Liu’s current
> research is primarily sponsored by NSF, IBM, and Intel.

中野 美由紀	東京大学 生産技術研究所 戦略情報融合国際研究センタ
Miyuki NAKANO	Institute of Industrial Science, Univ. of Tokyo
        Center for Information Fusion
miyuki [at] tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp