

[dbjapan] Prof. Jeffrey Xu Yu 講演会(12月22日)



下記の ACM SIGMOD 日本支部講演会のご案内をさせて頂きます。

講演者: Prof. Jeffrey Xu Yu (the Chinese University of Hong Kong)
演題: Large Attribute Graph Clustering
日時: 12月22日(水) 午後3時〜午後4時
会場: 東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス 西8E号棟10階 1004会議室
       下記地図(大岡山東・西・南地区)の 26 の番号が振ってあるビル
参加申込: Webにてお申し込み下さい。


       helpdesk [at] sigmodj.org までお問合せください。

                            ACM SIGMOD日本支部 支部長 横田 治夫


Title: Large Attribute Graph Clustering


In recent years, there exist many large graphs available including
social networks, sensor networks, biological networks, etc. Such large
graphs need to be fully investigated. Graph clustering has shown its
effectiveness in analyzing and visualizing large graphs.  The goal of
clustering a large graph is to partition vertices into different
clusters based on various criteria. Almost all existing graph
clustering approaches focus on either the similarity of topological
structure around vertices or the similarity of attribute values
associated with vertices.  In this talk, we discuss a new graph
clustering approach based on both structural and attribute
similarities using a unified distance measure.  Our approach
partitions a large attribute graph into k clusters such that each
cluster contains a densely connected subgraph with homogeneous
attribute values. We will discuss the details of our approach in this

Short Biography:

Dr Jeffrey Xu Yu is a Professor in the Department of Systems
Engineering and Engineering Management, the Chinese University of Hong
Kong.  His current main research interests include graph mining, graph
query processing, graph pattern matching, and keywords search in
relational databases. Dr. Yu served/serves in over 200 organization
committees and program committees in international
conferences/workshops.  Dr. Yu also served as an associate editor of
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2004-2008), and
currently servers in VLDB Journal editorial board and ACM SIGMOD
executive committee.  He has published over 200 papers including
papers published in reputed journals and major international

                     横田 治夫    〒152-8552 東京都目黒区大岡山 2-12-1
                     東京工業大学 大学院 情報理工学研究科 計算工学専攻 
                     TEL: (03) 5734-3505 (直通)、  FAX: (03) 5734-3504
                                         email: yokota [at] cs.titech.ac.jp