

[dbjapan] Fw: ISI-Internationa School of Informatics at Johannes Kepler University of Linz


東工大の横田です。最近 DEXA 関係等で名前が良く出てくる Johannes Kepler
Universitat Linz の Prof. Roland Wagner から添付の案内が来ました。

直接 Prof. Roland Wagner にお問い合わせ下さい。

−− 横田

--- Begin Message ---
Dear Professor=A0 Yokota,

Some years agao we have founded the ISI (International School of Informatics) at our University in Linz (Campus Hagenberg).

It would be great, if you could diststribute the follwowing announcement plus the attached flyers among your Institute and othe= r Institutes in Japan. Many Thanks.



ISI-I= nternational School in Informatics


With our new JKU-International Master's Program we offer international student= s a =A0=A0=A0unique opportunity with the fo= llowing special features:

- the student can pass the first year of the master's program at the home university.
- the student can study for the second year in the frame of our program
- the student, at the end of the program, will receive a master's= degree (conferred by =A0=A0=A0the Johanne= s Kepler Univ. Linz). Also joint degrees are possible.
- the student will get the opportunity to work on a master thesis= project in cooperation with one of the research institutes or companies in the Softwarepark Hagenberg
- the student will get an individua= l curriculum consisting of special courses relevant for his/her master's thesis
- the student will be assigned his individualr academic advisor and also his company advisor
- the student will get a special Entrepreneurship training.

The tuition for this exceptional program is 9500 Euros. For particularly good students we provide various fellowships that cover part of the tuition. Application deadline for the academic year, starting in September 2011 is May 1st, 2011.

Prerequisites for entering this program:

- a bachelor degree in computer science or a related subject that is equivalent to a bachelor degree according to EU-standards ("Bologna standard"), i.e. minimum 120 credit hour= s of computer science related courses.

- one additional year of a graduate or master's program in computer science or a related subject (additional 40 credit hours).

- Fluency in English as a working and studying language.

- excellent performance in the past study,

- a personal recommendation letter from a professor,

Furthermore, if the home university wants to send students _only_= under a double degree agreement, this will be no problem for us= .=



Univ.= Prof. Dr. Roland Wagner

Johan= nes Kepler Universit=E4t Linz

A-404= 0 Linz

Austr= ia

Europ= e


Tel.:= +43 676 84673210

Fax: = +43 732 24689308

rrwagn= er [at] faw.at


Direc= tor of the Institute of Applied Knowledgeprocessing=A0 (FAW)

sec1:= Monika Neubauer

Tel.:= +43 664 602468929

Fax.:= +43 732 2468 9308

mneubauer [at] faw.uni-linz.ac.at

http://www.faw= .at

http://www.d= exa.org


Direc= tor of the Institute "integriert studieren" (IS)

Tel: = +43 732 2468 9232

Fax:+= 43 732 2468 9322


http://www.= icchp.org


Direc= tor of FAW GmbH

Softw= arepark 35

A-423= 2 Hagenberg

Austr= ia

http://www.faw= .at

Attachment: 2011-ISI-flyer-inside-international-version-1.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: 2011-ISI-flyer-outside-international-version.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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