

CSC 2012 Call for Paper

Call for papers:

The IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Service Computing (CSC 2012)

Nov. 22-24, 2012, Shanghai, China.

Website: http://www.cs.sjtu.edu.cn/csc2012/


Key dates:

Submission Deadline: July 15, 2012

Submission site: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=csc2012



Proceedings will be published by IEEE Press and indexed by EI.



The IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Service Computing (CSC) is a cross-area international forum on cloud computing and service computing. CSC2012 will be held in Shanghai with the aim of bringing together researchers, developers, users, and practitioners interested in cloud computing and service computing.

CSC (Cloud Service Computing) is created to provide a prime international forum for both researchers and industry practitioners to exchange the latest fundamental advances in the state of the art and practice of Cloud computing as well as joint-venture and synergic research and development in this area.


Scope and Topics:

Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

Architecture & Foundations of Cloud & Service Computing

l         IaaS & PaaS

l         Service-Oriented Architectures

l         Virtualization of Hardware & Software Resources

l         Sensors, Devices, Embedded Systems, etc. in Cloud & Service Computing

l         P2P, Pervasive Networks & Communications

Software, Services & Tools in Cloud & Service Computing

l         SaaS, EaaS, Web Service, Semantic Web, Ubiquitous Service, etc.

l         Design, Testing & Evaluation Tools in Cloud & Service Computing

l         Cyber-Physical Systems in Cloud & Service Computing

l         Software Engineering in Cloud & Service Computing

Security, Dependability, Trust & Quality in Cloud & Service Computing

l         Quality of Service in Cloud & Service Computing

l         Security Models & Quantifications

l         Dependability Models & Evaluation Algorithms

l         Trusted Computing & Autonomic Computing in Cloud & Service Computing

l         Hardware and Software Reliability, Verification and Testing

l         Fault Diagnosis, Health Monitoring & Fault tolerance in Cloud & Service Computing

l         Job Scheduling, Load Balancing, Performance Evaluation & Improvement in Cloud & Service Computing

Knowledge & Data Engineering in Cloud & Service Computing

l         Semantic Knowledge Portals

l         Web Knowledge Discovery

l         Large-Scale Distributed Knowledge Management

l         Ontology Information/ Knowledge/Service Integration

l         Knowledge Flow Network

l         Internet-based Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering

Business Models of Cloud & Service Computing

l         Pricing and Billing Models

l         Cloud & Service Computing Eco-System

l         Case Study


Submission Guidelines:

Submissions must include an abstract, keywords, the e-mail address of the corresponding author and should not exceed 8 pages for main conference and 6 pages for workshops/symposia, including tables and figures in IEEE CS format. The template files for LATEX or WORD can be downloaded on CSC2012 Website. All paper submissions must represent original and unpublished work. Each submission will be peer reviewed by at least three program committee members. Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will register for the conference and present the work. Submit your paper(s) in PDF file at the CSC2012 submission site: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=csc2012. Authors of accepted papers, or at least one of them, are requested to register and present their work at the conference, otherwise their papers may be removed from the digital libraries of IEEE CS and EI after the conference.



Accepted and presented papers will be included into the IEEE Conference Proceedings published by IEEE CS Press (pending). Authors of accepted papers, or at least one of them, are requested to register and present their work at the conference, otherwise their papers may be removed from the digital libraries of IEEE CS and EI after the conference.


Honorary Chair:

l        Wenjun Zhang, Vice President, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

l        Deyi Li, Chinese Academy of Engineering, China


General Chairs:

l        Minglu Li, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

l        Xian-He Sun, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA

l        Frank Wang, University of Kent, UK


Program Chairs:

l        Jian Cao, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

l        Jinjun Chen, University of Technology, Sydney, AUS

l        Bo Li, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China


Program Vice Chairs:

l        Bo Hong, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

l        Xin Yuan, Florida State University, USA

l        Hongzi Zhu, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China


Publicity Chairs:

l        Xin Wang, Fudan University, China

l        Wanchun Dou, Nanjing University, China


Workshop Chairs:

l        Zhiming Zhao, University of Amsterdam, Netherland

l        Ming Liu, Tongji University, China


Panel Chairs:

l        Jiacun Wang, Monmouth University, USA


Publication Chairs:

l        Guangtao Xue, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

l        Xing Wu, Shanghai University, China


Finance and Registration Chairs:

l        Wenting Lian, Chinese Institute of Electronics, China


Local Organization Chairs:

l        Meiju Cheng, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China


Program Commitee:

l        CSC2012 committee includes leading researchers from academia and industry. The list will be made available at the conference web site.


Steering Committee:

l        Deyi Li (Chair), Chinese Academy of Engineering, China 

l        Rulin Liu, Chinese Institute of Electronics, China

l        Jie Wu, Temple University, USA

l        Weiming Zheng, Tsinghua University, China

l        Jiannong Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China

l        Shi Ying, State Key Lab of Software Engineering, Wuhan University, China


Conference Secretarians:

l        Runhua Lin, Chinese Institute of Electronics, China


Important Dates:

l        Submission deadline: 15 July, 2012

l        Notification of acceptance: 20 Aug. 2012

l        Final manuscript due: 15 Sept. 2012

l        Conference:  22 �C 24 Nov. 2012


Further Contracts:

l        Wenting Lian, lian_wenting [at] ciecloud.org.cn

l        Chenyang Liu, CSC2012conference [at] gmail.com