[dbjapan] 情報検索分野トップカンファレンス ACM SIGIR2017 東京開催のご案内
- To: dbjapan [at] dbsj.org
- Subject: [dbjapan] 情報検索分野トップカンファレンス ACM SIGIR2017 東京開催のご案内
- From: Takehiro Yamamoto <tyamamot [at] dl.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
- Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 20:05:41 +0900
日本データベース学会の皆様 京都大学の山本岳洋です. 情報検索分野におけるトップカンファレンスである SIGIRが2017年8月に東京で開催されます. フルペーパーの締切は2017年1月となっております. またとない機会ですので,是非とも論文投稿およびご参加ください. ------ ACM SIGIRは情報検索分野における国際会議の最高峰で、2017年に40周年を迎え ます。 そしてこの記念すべきSIGIR 2017は、2017年8月7-11日に新宿の京王プラザホテ ルで開催されます。 日本で開催される初めてのSIGIRですので、日本からも多くの優れた論文のご投 稿とご参加をお待ちしております。 SIGIR 2017 ジェネラルチェア 神門典子 (国立情報学研究所) 酒井哲也 (早稲田大学) 上保秀夫 (筑波大学) ##### ACM SIGIR 2017 Preliminary Announcement of Important Dates DATES: August 7-11, 2017 VENUE: Keio Plaza Hotel, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan WEBSITE: http://sigir.org/sigir2017/ (to be launched soon) TWITTER: @SIGIR17 "Tsukuru Tazaki loved to watch JR Shinjuku Station." - Haruki Murakami: Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorless_Tsukuru_Tazaki_and_His_Years_of_Pilgrimage This is a SIGIR you don't want to miss: it's the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, to be held from 7th to 11th August 2017, in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan. The conference venue, Keio Plaza Hotel, is close to JR Shinjuku Station, which is easily accessible (for example) from Narita Airport by Narita Express. This is the first time for Japan to host a SIGIR, and we chairs and local organisers are working very hard to ensure its success. Please join us to celebrate the 40th anniversary of SIGIR in Tokyo, the city of good food, electronics, Japanimation and otaku! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otaku SIGIR is the premier international forum for the presentation of new research results and for the demonstration of new systems and techniques in information retrieval. The conference consists of five days of full papers, short papers, demonstrations, tutorials and workshops focused on research and development in the area of information retrieval, as well as an industry track and social events. KEY DATES: January 17, 2017 Abstracts for full research papers due January 24, 2017 Full research papers due February 28, 2017 Short papers and demonstration proposals due April 11, 2017 Acceptance notifications August 7, 2017 ACM SIGIR 2017 - Tutorials and Doctoral Consortium August 8-10, 2017 ACM SIGIR 2017 - Main Conference August 11, ACM SIGIR 2017 - Workshops ORGANISATION: GENERAL CHAIRS Noriko Kando, Tetsuya Sakai, Hideo Joho PROGRAMME CHAIRS Hang Li, Arjen de Vries, Ryen White SHORT PAPER CHAIRS Hui Fang, Mounia Lalmas, Yiqun Liu DEMO CHAIRS Gareth Jones, Takehiro Yamamoto BEST PAPERS CHAIR Doug Oard SIRIP CHAIRS Sumio Fujita, Vanessa Murdock PUBLICITY/SOCIAL CHAIRS Yukino Baba, Harumi Murakami, Falk Scholer TUTORIALS CHAIRS Fernando Diaz, Adam Jatowt DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM CHAIRS Makoto Kato, Kira Radinsky WORKSHOP CHAIRS Jaap Kamps, Grace Hui Yang PUBLICATION CHAIRS Takuya Kida, Masaharu Yoshioka SPONSORSHIP CHAIRS Tsuneaki Kato, Paraic Sheridan 40TH ANNIVERSARY AWARD CHAIR Diane Kelly TREASURERS Akiko Aizawa, Hiroaki Ohshima LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS Yuka Egusa, Emi Ishita, Masao Takaku INQUIRIES: sigir2017-contact [at] nii.ac.jp ------ -- Takehiro Yamamoto, Assistant Professor Department of Social Informatics, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University Email: tyamamot [at] dl.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp Tel: 075-753-5702 http://rerank-lab.org/
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