[dbjapan] Call for Papers: 9th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP 2016)
- To: dbjapan [at] dbsj.org
- Subject: [dbjapan] Call for Papers: 9th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP 2016)
- From: Hiroki Arimura <arim [at] ist.hokudai.ac.jp>
- Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 15:21:36 +0900
- Cc: Michael Houle <meh [at] nii.ac.jp>, 渋谷哲朗 <tshibuya [at] hgc.jp>, Hiroki Arimura <arim [at] ist.hokudai.ac.jp>
北大の有村です.NIIの Michael Houle先生のご依頼を受けて,International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP 2016, 24-26 October 2016, NII, Tokyo) の論文募集をお送りします.
本会議は,今年で第9回を迎える近似検索に関する国際会議であり,2014年のLos Cabos (Mexico), 2015年のGlasgow (UK)に引き続き,今年はSISAP初の日本開催となりました.国立情報学研究所/NII(東京)にて,2016年10月24〜26日の開催を予定しております.
論文募集のトピックは,情報検索(多次元索引,近似検索,距離尺度/メトリック),データマイニング,パターンマッチング,マルチメディア(画像,動画,音響など),コンピュータ・ビジョン,パターン認識,バイオインフォマティクス,時空間情報処理,機械学習,計量生物学などを含む,幅広い分野における近似情報処理技術に関する理論研究と応用研究を対象としています.今年は,"Special Session for Industry" の募集もあります.採択された論文は,Springer社のLecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)シリーズから出版される会議録に収録されます.
なお,本会議は,NII 国立情報学研究所,JST ERATO 河原林巨大グラフプロジェクト,JST CREST「データ粒子化による高速高精度な次世代マイニング技術の創出」他の協賛・ご支援を受けております.
9th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications
Tokyo, Japan, October, 24 - 26, 2016
Web site: http://www.sisap.org/2016/
Printable CFP: http://www.sisap.org/2016/sisap2016-cfp.pdf
The 9th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP) is an annual forum for researchers and application developers in the area of similarity data management. It aims at the technological problems shared by numerous application domains, such as data mining, information retrieval, multimedia, computer vision, pattern recognition, computational biology, geography, biometrics, machine learning, and many others that make use of similarity search as a necessary supporting service. From its roots in metric indexing, SISAP has expanded to become the only international conference entirely devoted to all issues surrounding the theory, design, analysis, practice, and application of content-based and feature-based similarity search. In 2016, the SISAP conference will be sponsored by Google.
The specific topics include, but are not limited to:
* Similarity queries - k-NN, range, reverse k-NN, top-k, approximate, etc.
* Similary measures - graph, structural, time series, complex data, tensors, secondary similarity, etc.
* Similarity operations - joins, ranking, classification, categorization, filtering, etc.
* Indexing and access methods for similarity-based processing
* Evaluation techniques for similarity queries and operations
* Merging/combining multiple similarity modalities
* Cost models and analysis for similarity data processing
* Scalability issues and high-performance similarity data management
* Feature selection and extraction for similarity search
* Multimedia retrieval systems
* Security and privacy of similarity search
* Similarity for forensics and security
* Distributed similarity search
* Similarity search cloud services
* Languages for similarity databases
* Applications of similarity-based operations
* Visual analytics for similarity-based operations
* Test collections and benchmarks
* Performance studies and comparisons
* Industrial applications and case studies
* Theory - models of similarity, intrinsic dimensionality, discriminability and contrast, manifolds and subspaces, etc.
Paper Submission and Publication
SISAP 2016 allows for three forms of submissions: long research papers (from 9 to 14 pages), short research papers (of up to 8 pages) and demo papers (of up to 8 pages). Full papers are expected to be descriptions of complete technical work, whereas short papers can describe innovative approaches or preliminary results which may nevertheless require more work to mature. Vision papers and other position papers should be submitted as short research papers.
Demo submissions should provide the motivation for the demonstrated concepts, the information about the technology and the system to be demonstrated (including a system description, functionality and figures when applicable), and should state the significance of the contribution. The scenarios within which the demonstration applies should also be explained. Evaluation criteria for the demonstration proposals include: novelty, technical advances and challenges, and the overall practical attractiveness of the demonstrated system.
By submitting a paper, its authors commit to its presentation at the conference in the event that the paper is accepted. For an accepted paper to be included in the proceedings, at least one of its authors must register for the conference. At SISAP 2016, all research papers will be presented both orally and in a poster session. The demos will also be presented in the poster session ? posters should be prepared for these as well. All research and demo papers will be given an entry in the conference proceedings.
Papers submitted to SISAP 2016 must be written in English and formatted according to the LNCS guidelines. Papers will be submitted in PDF format through EasyChair (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sisap2016). If you experience any problems during the submission, please contact the Program Committee Co-Chairs at sisap2016 [at] easychair.org <mailto:sisap2016 [at] easychair.org>.
The proceedings of SISAP will be published by Springer as a volume in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. For SISAP 2016, as in previous years, extended versions of 5 excellent papers will be invited for publication in a special issue of the journal Information Systems. The conference will also confer a Best Paper Award, as judged by the Program Committee Co-Chairs and Steering Committee.
Special Session for Industry
A special session devoted to industrial applications and case studies will also take place. Submissions are solicited in multimedia, broadcasting, archiving, image processing, social networks, bioinformatics, and any other area in which similarity technology has made a practical impact. Of particular interest are submissions concerned with one or more of the following:
* Use cases and scenarios
* Best practice for similarity search
* Adoption of similarity search in new industrial contexts
* Requirements for research and development
Keynote Speakers
Alexandr Andoni, Columbia University, USA
Takashi Washio, Osaka University, Japan
Zhi-Hua Zhou, Nanjing University, China
Steering Committee
Edgar Chavez, CICESE, Mexico
Pavel Zezula, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
General Chair
Michael E. Houle, NII, Japan
Program Committee Co-Chairs
Laurent Amsaleg, CNRS?IRISA, France
Michael E. Houle, NII, Japan
Local Arrangements Co-Chairs
Atsushi Koike, Tohoku University, Japan
Tetsuo Shibuya, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Publicity Chair
Michael Nett, Google, Japan
Publications Chair
Erich Schubert, LMU Munich, Germany
有村 博紀 (Hiroki Arimura)
北海道大学 大学院情報科学研究科 情報理工学専攻
TEL: 011-706-7680 (研究室), 706-7678(有村)
E-mail: arim [at] ist.hokudai.ac.jp
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