[dbjapan] 投稿募集:IEEE ICMCS16 (5/15締切)
- To: dbjapan [at] dbsj.org
- Subject: [dbjapan] 投稿募集:IEEE ICMCS16 (5/15締切)
- From: Hayato YAMANA <yamana [at] waseda.jp>
- Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2016 10:26:10 +0900
- Cc: yamana [at] waseda.jp
DBJapanの皆様 隔年でアフリカで開催されているマルチメディア系の会議(IEEEモロッコ支部が中心 となって開催/IEEE Xplore掲載)の論文募集案内です。投稿はアフリカ各国から が多く、新規性というよりは有効性(どう実践で使えるか)が議論される会議で、 アフリカでの同分野の研究の現状を知ることができます。会議は原則英語ですが、 アフリカ開催ということもあり、一部、フランス語等での発表があります。特にアフリカ での研究について、把握したり、連携をする上では役立つ会議だと思います。 採択率は1/2程度となっています。 山名@早稲田 *******************Call For Paper - deadline extended ********************* ICMCS'16 - 5th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems Marrakech- MOROCCO, 29 September - 1 October 2016. http://www.med-space.org/icmcs16 Submission deadline: May 15, 2016 *************************************************************************** We have the real pleasure to invite you to submit a paper to the 5th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'16) which is taking place in Marrakech-Morocco, 29 September ? 1 October 2016. ICMCS'16 is an IEEE technically co-sponsored conference (under approval). We are planning that all conferences papers will be submitted to IEEE for potential inclusion in IEEE Xplore. Extended versions of selected papers will be published in special issues of high quality journals. ICMCS’16 is organized with the objective to bring together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry sectors working in all facets of multimedia, telecommunication, and computer. The conference will serve as a forum for the dissemination of state-of-the-art research, development, implementations of multimedia systems, technologies, and applications. The key objective of ICMCS’16 is to create a program that achieves a balance between theory and practice, academia and industry, systems/tools-oriented research and content creation. ---------- TOPICS: ----------- ** Multimedia track ** Network and operating system support for multimedia Multimedia file systems and databases Pattern recognition, Computer Vision, and medical applications Multimedia processor architecture Animation, virtual reality, and 3D imaging Audio, image, and video analysis, modeling, processing and transformation ** Telecommunication track ** Mobile software architectures, systems, applications, and platforms Antenna and propagation ** Computer and network track ** Web servers and services E-learning, e-gov, and e-commerce Intelligent network applications Systems and Networks security Internet and Web-Based Systems Wireless network algorithms and protocols Cloud computing Localization and tracking Performance evaluation and modeling Multi-agent systems Quality-of-service control and scheduling algorithms ---------------------- CO-CHAIRS ---------------------- Mohamed Essaaidi ENSIAS, Director IEEE Morocco Section, Chair Youssef Zaz Mediterranean Space of Technology and Innovation, President Faculty of Sciences, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, A. Prof DEADLINES --------------------- Submission deadline : May 15, 2016 Notification to authors : June 10, 2016 Final version due : June 20, 2016 ICMCS'16 Conference : 29 September - 1 October, 2016 PREVIOUS EDITIONS -------------------------------- -- ICMCS'14 Received papers : 530 from 43 countries. 295 papers in IEEE Xplore -- ICMCS'12 Received papers : 480 from 42 countries. 220 papers in IEEE Xplore -- ICMCS'11 Received papers : 322 from 29 countries. 175 papers in IEEE Xplore -- ICMCS'09 Received papers : 162 from 19 countries. 112 papers in IEEE Xplore --
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- Re: [dbjapan] 投稿募集:IEEE ICMCS16 (5/15締切)
- From: Hayato YAMANA <yamana [at] waseda.jp>
- Re: [dbjapan] 投稿募集:IEEE ICMCS16 (5/15締切)
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