[dbjapan] NTCIR-13タスク提案追加募集 (締切: 2016年10月31日)
- To: dbjapan [at] dbsj.org
- Subject: [dbjapan] NTCIR-13タスク提案追加募集 (締切: 2016年10月31日)
- From: "Makoto P. Kato" <kato [at] dl.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
- Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2016 11:26:38 +0900
日本データベース学会の皆様, (重複して受け取られた場合にはご容赦ください) 京都大学の加藤です. 情報アクセス技術(情報検索,データベース,自然言語処理等) に関わる共有タスクをNTCIR-13にて追加募集しております. NTCIR-13ではライフログ検索,医療情報マイニング,質問検索,質問応答,対話, 行動マイニング,感情推定,脳波分析,Web検索などのタスクが提案されており, これらのタスクへの参加募集もまもなく行われる予定です. これに加えて,1, 2件の追加タスクを募集しておりますので, 新しいタスクのアイデアがある方はぜひご提案いただければ幸いでございます. タスク提案の締切は【10月31日】になっております. どうぞよろしくお願いいたします. ====================================================== NTCIR-13 CALL FOR ADDITIONAL PILOT TASK PROPOSALS (Task Proposals Due: October 31, 2016) ====================================================== NTCIR (NII Testbeds and Community for Information access Research) is a sesquiannual series of evaluation conferences that mainly focuses on Asian language information access. The first NTCIR conference (NTCIR-1) took place in August/September 1999, and the latest NTCIR-13 conference launched in June 2016. Research teams from all over the world participate in NTCIR tasks to advance the state of the art and to learn from one another's experiences. For NTCIR-13, nine tasks have been already accepted and their activity started. The nine tasks include five core tasks (LifeLog-2, MedWeb, OpenLiveQ, QALab-3, and STC-2) and four pilot tasks (AKG, ECA, NAILS, and WWW). Since there are still many emerging problems in information access research, we now call for additional pilot tasks in NTCIR-13. The additional pilot task proposals will be reviewed by the NTCIR-13 program committee, following the schedule below: IMPORTANT DATES: Oct 31, 2016 Task Proposals due Dec 7, 2016 Acceptance Notification NTCIR-13 Tentative Schedule: Dec 15, 2016 Task registration due* Jan 2017 Dataset release* Jan-Mar 2017 Dry run* Mar-July 2017 Formal run* Sep 1, 2017 Evaluation result release Sep 1, 2017 Task overview paper release (draft) Oct 1, 2017 Submission due of participant papers (draft) Nov 1, 2017 Final submission due of all camera-ready papers (task overview papers / participant papers) Dec 5-8, 2017 NTCIR-13 Conference & EVIA 2017 in NII, Tokyo (Those with * can be changed by each task) Please note that financial support (i.e., seed funding) will not be provided to the accepted additional pilot task. Otherwise, the task will be treated in the same way as the other pilot tasks in NTCIR-13, and in its proceedings. Please feel free to contact the program co-chairs for any details of the task organization at ntc13-pcc [at] nii.ac.jp . Please submit your task proposal as a pdf file to “NTCIR-13 Additional Task Proposal” track (default) in the following EasyChair site by October 31, 2016 (UTC-12). https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ntcir12 DIFFERENCE FROM THE PAST NTCIR TASK PROPOSAL: - Organizers at NTCIR-12 may keep the task name (e.g. TASKNAME-2) as long as the task includes improvement based on the previous rounds. - Please describe the data with as much detail as possible so that we can help your data release after the proposal is accepted. In the past NTCIR, it took much time to create memorandums for data release, which sometimes slowed down the task organization. - The proposal should not exceed five pages (four pages for the main part and appendix and one page for the data) in A4 single-column format. - We encourage applicants to - Emphasize real-world applications of the proposed task by using real-world data, real tasks, and addressing real-world problems. - Address a challenge in information access technology evaluation such as a large amount of assessments required for evaluation, privacy-preserving use of proprietary data, and live test with real users. TASK PROPOSAL FORMAT: The proposal should not exceed five pages in A4 single-column format. The first four pages should contain the main part and appendix, and the last page should contain only description about the data used in the task. Please describe the data with as much detail as possible so that we can help your data release after the proposal is accepted. In the past NTCIR, it took much time to create memorandums for data release, which sometimes slowed down the task organization. *Main part* - Task name and short name - Abstract - Motivation - Methodology - Expected results *Appendix* - Names and contact information of the organizers - Prospective participants - Budget planning - Schedule - Other notes *Data to be used and/or constructed* REVIEW CRITERIA: - Importance of the task to the information access community and to the society - Timeliness of the task - Organizers’ commitment in ensuring a successful task - Financial sustainability (self-sustainable tasks are encouraged) - Soundness of the evaluation methodology - Language scope NTCIR-13 PROGRAM COMMITTEE *The following list is tentative. The members may be changed. Tat-Seng Chua (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Nicola Ferro (University of Padua, Italy) Kalervo Jarvelin (University of Tampere, Finland) Gareth Jones (Dublin City University, Ireland) Chin-Yew Lin (Microsoft Research Asia, China) Maarten de Rijke (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Mark Sanderson (RMIT University, Australia) Ian Soboroff (NIST, United States) Yiqun Liu (Co-chair, Tsinghua University, China) Makoto P. Kato (Co-chair, Kyoto University, Japan) NTCIR GENERAL CHAIRS: Charles L. A. Clarke (University of Waterloo, Canada) Noriko Kando (NII, Japan) Tetsuya Sakai (Waseda University, Japan) Best regards, NTCIR-13 Program Committee Co-chairs, Makoto P. Kato and Yiqun Liu
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