[dbjapan] CJKMI2016の参加募集
- To: <dbjapan [at] dbsj.org>
- Subject: [dbjapan] CJKMI2016の参加募集
- From: "Hao Han" <han [at] kanagawa-u.ac.jp>
- Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2016 12:44:27 +0900
- Importance: Normal
The 17th China-Japan-Korea Joint
Symposium on Medical Informatics (CJKMI2016)の参加募集の案内を転送させていただきます。
We extend the deadline to submit for
CJKMI2016 from 30th Sep to 14th Oct.
Dear CMIA, KOSMI, JAMI members Dear Dr. Takao Orii, the chair of JCMI2016 I am in charge of CJKMI2016 in Yokohama. I would like to extend the deadline to submit CJKMI2016 from 30th, Sep to 14th Oct., because our communication with KOSMI was retarded by some email troubles. CJKMI2016 HP http://cjkmi2016.med.kyushu-u. Please understand this extension, and announce to your members. Best regards, Naoki Nakashima MD PhD Director/Professor of Medical Information Center Kyushu University Hospital, Japan |
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