[dbjapan] CFP: DASFAA2017 (締切10/31)
- To: dbjapan [at] dbsj.org
- Subject: [dbjapan] CFP: DASFAA2017 (締切10/31)
- From: Yasushi Sakurai <yasushi [at] cs.kumamoto-u.ac.jp>
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2016 17:05:29 +0900
皆様 DASFAA2017の締め切りが10月31日に迫ってきました。 DASFAAは我々日本のDBコミュニティが中心となって立ち 上げた国際会議ですので、ぜひ投稿をご検討頂ければ幸いです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 櫻井保志(熊本大学) ============================================== DASFAA 2017: Call for Papers The 22nd International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2017) March 27-30th, 2017 DASFAA is an annual international database conference, which showcases state-of-the-art R&D activities in database systems and their applications. It provides a forum for technical presentations and discussions among database researchers, developers and users from academia, business and industry. DASFAA 2017, the 22nd in the series, will be held from March 27th -30th, 2017 in Suzhou, China. http://ada.suda.edu.cn/dasfaa2017/index.html AREAS OF INTERESTS Original papers on database theory, technology and practice are solicited. Areas of interests include, but are not limited to: * Advanced database and Web applications * Big data * Crowdsourcing * Cloud data management * Data archives and digital libraries * Data mining * Data model and query language * Data quality and credibility * Data semantics and data integration * Data streams and time-series data * Data warehouse and OLAP * Databases for emerging hardware * Database usability and HCI * Graph data management * Indexing and storage systems * Information extraction and summarization * Multimedia databases * Parallel, distributed and P2P systems * Predictive and prescriptive analytics * Probabilistic and uncertain data * Query processing and optimization * Real-time data management * Recommender systems * Search and information retrieval * Security, privacy, and trust * Semantic web and knowledge management * Sensor data management * Social network analytics * Statistical and scientific databases * Temporal and spatial databases * Transaction management * Web information systems * XML, RDF and semi-structured data SUBMISSIONS Authors should submit papers reporting original work that are currently not under review or published elsewhere. Instructions for submitting research papers, workshop and tutorial proposals can be found at the conference website. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be published as a volume of Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (approval pending). Submissions must not exceed 15 pages in LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) format. We encourage authors to cite related work comprehensively, and when citing conference papers please also consider to cite their extended journal versions if applicable. DASFAA 2017 will employ double-blind reviewing process, every research paper submitted to DASFAA 2017 will undergo a "double-blind" reviewing process: the PC members and referees who review the paper will not know the identity of the authors. To ensure anonymity of authorship, authors must prepare their manuscript as follows: * Authors' names and affiliations must not appear on the title page or elsewhere in the paper. * Funding sources must not be acknowledged on the title page or elsewhere in the paper. * Research group members, or other colleagues or collaborators, must not be acknowledged anywhere in the paper. * The paper's file name must not identify the authors of the paper. It is strongly suggested that the submitted file be named with the assigned submission number. For example, if your assigned paper number is 352, then name your submission file 352.pdf. * Source file naming must also be done with care, to avoid identifying the authors' name in the paper's associated metadata. For example, if your name is Jane Smith and you submit a PDF file generated from a .dvi file called Jane-Smith.dvi, your authorship could be inferred by looking into the PDF file. It is the responsibility of authors to do their very best to preserve anonymity. Papers that do not follow the guidelines here, or otherwise potentially reveal the identity of the authors, are subject to immediate rejection. KEY DATES: Paper Submission: Oct 31st, 2016 Acceptance Notification: December 22nd, 2016 Camera Ready Due: Jan 10th, 2017. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General Co-Chairs: Karl Aberer, EPFL, Switzerland Peter Sheuermann, Northwestern University, USA Kai Zheng, Soochow University, China Program Committee Co-Chairs K. Selcuk Candan, Arizona State University, USA Lei Chen, HKUST, Hong Kong, China Torben Bach Pedersen, Aalborg University, Denmark Workshop Co-Chairs: Zhifeng Bao, RMIT, Australia Goce Trajcevski, Northwestern University, USA Industrial/Practitioners Track Co-Chairs: Jing Yuan, Microsoft Research Asia, China Georgia Koutrika, HP Labs Proceeding Co-Chairs: Lijun Chang, UNSW, Australia Wen Hua, The University of Queensland, Australia Publicity co-Chairs Bin Yang, Aalborg University, Denmark Xiang Lian, Kent State University, USA Maria Luisa Sapino, University of Torino, Italy Local Organization Co-Chairs: Zhixu Li, Soochow University, China Jiajie Xu, Soochow University, China Panel co-Chairs Xuemin Lin, UNSW, Australia Steering Committee Liaison: Xiaofang Zhou, University of Queensland, Australia Tutorial Chairs: Katja Hose, Aalborg University, Denmark Huiping Cao, New Mexico State University, USA Conference Secretary: Yan Zhao, Soochow University, China
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