

[dbjapan] [CFP] IJMDEM Special Issue on Multimedia Big Data (〆切 10/15)






9月にシンガポールで開催する国際会議IEEE BigMM 2019のために、国際雑誌IJMDEMにおいてマルチメディア・ビッグデータに関するSpecial Issue を企画しております。





IJMDEMは、International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management の略称で、








Jianquan LIU, Ph.D. (j-liu [at] ct.jp.nec.com)

Senior Researcher / Assistant Manager


Biometrics Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation




Special Issue On: Multimedia Big Data

Submission Due Date

Guest Editors
Jianquan Liu, NEC, Japan
Rajiv Ratn Shah, IIIT-Delhi, India
Vivek Singh, Rutgers University, USA

Multimedia is increasingly becoming the "biggest big data" as the most important and valuable source for insights and information. It covers from everyone's experiences to everything happening in the world. As such, multimedia big data is spurring on tremendous amount of research and development of related technologies and applications.

Best papers of the IEEE BigMM 2019 will be invited for the publication to this special issue of IJMDEM. It is also open to all researchers to submit high-quality original research papers in any aspect of multimedia big data. Topics include, but are not limited to the following recommended topics.

Recommended Topics
• New theory and models for multimedia big data computing
• Ultra-high efficiency compression, coding and transmission of multimedia big data
• Content analysis and mining of multimedia big data
• Semantic retrieval of multimedia big data
• Deep learning and cloud computing for multimedia big data
• Green computing for multimedia big data (e.g., high efficiency storage)
• Security and privacy in multimedia big data
• Interaction, access, visualization of multimedia big data  
• Multimedia big data systems
• Novel and incentive applications of multimedia big data in various fields (e.g., search, healthcare, life sciences, manufacturing, industry, transportation, and retail)

Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this special theme issue on
Multimedia Big Data on or before 15 October 2019. All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another publication. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT THE JOURNAL’S GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at http://www.igi-global.com/publish/contributor-resources/before-you-write/ All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review basis. Papers must follow APA style for reference citations.

All submissions and inquiries should be directed to the attention of:
Jianquan Liu
Guest Editor
IJMDEM E-mail:
j-liu [at] ct.jp.nec.com 

Submit a Manuscript to: Multimedia Big Data