[dbjapan] Jaggadish 先生のご講演 9月4日 場所 国立情報学研究所(の予定)
- To: dbjapan <dbjapan [at] dbsj.org>
- Subject: [dbjapan] Jaggadish 先生のご講演 9月4日 場所 国立情報学研究所(の予定)
- From: Masaru Kitsuregawa <kitsure [at] tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
- Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2019 10:07:24 +0900
- Ironport-sdr: 8+yaopo0y2QD7fkOZC9GyAKyvoFR8YxvpkGIMUsTWV57FzexGR+QLj8znCByeuQJLSKS/slMsw W0yIR2G2drHg==
データベースな皆様 Jaggadish先生が来日されます。 以下のシンポジウム(9月3日、場所東大)に参加され講演ならびにパネルに登壇されます。 https://sites.google.com/g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/dp-sympo2019 この機会にデータベース屋さんにも講演をして下さいとお願いしまして、 快諾頂きました。 9月4日 18時ー19時 場所 国立情報学研究所(の予定) 主催 東京大学、 共催 日本データベース学会 講演 演題 Towards Better Data Driven Decisions Jaggadish先生のご略歴 もうご年配になられましたが、非常に広いデータベース領域の研究を過去ベル研を中心になされてこられましたが、比較的最近ミシガン大学に異動されました。 詳しくは以下をご覧ください。H. V. Jagadish is Bernard A Galler Collegiate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and Director of the Michigan Institute for Data Science. Prior to 1999, he was Head of the Database Research Department at AT&T Labs, Florham Park, NJ.
Professor Jagadish is well known for his broad-ranging research on information management, and has approximately 200 major papers and 37 patents.ハ He is a fellow of the ACM, "The First Society in Computing," (since 2003) and of AAAS (since 2018). He served on the board of the Computing Research Association (2009-2018).ハ He has been an Associate Editor for the ACM Transactions on Database Systems (1992-1995), Program Chair of the ACM SIGMOD annual conference (1996), Program Chair of the ISMB conference (2005), a trustee of the VLDB (Very Large DataBase) foundation (2004-2009), Founding Editor-in-Chief of the Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (2008-2014), and Program Chair of the VLDB Conference (2014).ハ Since 2016, he is Editor of the Morgan & Claypool メSynthesisモ Lecture Series on Data Management. Among his many awards, he won the ACM SIGMOD Contributions Award in 2013 and the David E Liddle Research Excellence Award (at the University of Michigan) in 2008. His popular MOOC on Data Science Ethics is available on both EdX and Coursera.
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