[dbjapan] ポスドク募集
- To: dbjapan [at] dbsj.org
- Subject: [dbjapan] ポスドク募集
- From: Masatoshi Yoshikawa <yoshikawa.masatoshi.5w [at] kyoto-u.ac.jp>
- Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2021 18:22:31 +0900
- Cc: yoshikawa [at] i.kyoto-u.ac.jp
- Reply-to: yoshikawa [at] i.kyoto-u.ac.jp
dbjapanの皆様 京都大学の吉川です. 私の研究室ではポスドクを募集しております. 奮ってご応募下さい。 吉川正俊 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Postdoc Position in Data Privacy and Federated Learning in Kyoto The Yoshikawa lab at the Department of Social Informatics, Kyoto University (db.soc.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/doku.php/en:start), is seeking a postdoctoral fellow in data privacy and federated learning with application in spatiotemporal data and medical data under a research project. This position is available to start immediately. The project focuses on the development and implementation of novel data privacy-enhancing techniques (including but not limited to differential privacy, secure hardware, federated learning) in real-world scenarios such as spatiotemporal data analysis and medical data mining. The successful candidate will join a multidisciplinary team with a variety of expertise in database, security, systems, medical informatics, etc. The initial employment will be at Kyoto University until March 2023, with the possibility of a further four-year extension at another university or institute. Minimum Qualifications: - Ph.D. degree in Computer Science- Prior relevant experience in data privacy, machine learning, and data mining
- Excellent publication record - Proficiency in programming Python, R, C++, and/or Java - Excellent communication and social skills- Great motivation for research, interest in the relevant topics, and good knowledge of relevant theory and methods
Preferred Qualifications: - Experience in federated learning and differential privacy Please submit your application documents by email to the contact below. Masatoshi Yoshikawa E-Mail: yoshikawa [at] i.kyoto-u.ac.jp -- o-----------o-------o-----o---o--o Masatoshi Yoshikawa Department of Social Informatics Graduate School of Informatics Kyoto University Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501, JAPAN (#502, Science Frontier Laboratory, Medical Campus, Kyoto University) phone: +81(75)753-5975 mobile: +81 80 3506 5355 fax: +81(75)753-4970 e-mail: yoshikawa [at] i.kyoto-u.ac.jp o-----o---o--o-o-oo 吉川 正俊 京都大学大学院 情報学研究科 社会情報学専攻 〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田本町 (医学部構内先端科学研究棟502) 電話: (075)753-5975 携帯: 080 3506 5355 ファクス: (075)753-4970 メール: yoshikawa [at] i.kyoto-u.ac.jp o-----------o-------o-----o---o--o
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