

[dbjapan] Xing Xie講演



直前の案内で恐縮ですが,来週の金曜日(3月4日),Microsoft Research Asiaの研究
者Xing Xie氏が神戸大学を訪問してきます.せっかくなので,最新の研究成果につい
を少しやる予定ですので,そちらもよろしければ...Xing Xie氏はW2GISでKeynote

日時: 3月4日 14:00〜15:00 工学部電気系会議室
Title: Build Intelligence from the Physical World

Context awareness is a key concept in ubiquitous computing. It means linking changes in the environment with computer systems. In other words, computing systems become more intelligent through analyzing and reacting to the physical world surrounding them. The coming era of cloud computing brings new opportunities to this long studied research area. By accumulating and aggregating physical world contextual information from multiple users and multiple devices over a long period, we can obtain collective social intelligence from them. Based on this, more innovative Internet services can be developed to facilitate people’s everyday lives. At Microsoft Research Asia, we are working on various technologies with a view to managing physical world information and building intelligence from them. In this talk, I will present our recent work on this direction, as well as other related works in Microsoft and the industry.

Dr. Xing Xie is a lead researcher in the Web Search and Mining Group of Microsoft Research Asia, and a guest Ph.D. advisor for the University of Science and Technology of China. He received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1996 and 2001, respectively. He joined Microsoft Research Asia in July 2001, working on spatial data mining, location based services, and mobile and pervasive computing. He has served on the organizing and program committees of many international conferences such as WWW, UbiComp, GIS, CIKM, and KDD. He will be the program co-chair of UbiComp 2011. During the past years, he has published over 90 referred journal and conference papers. He is also a senior member of both ACM and the IEEE.

寺田 努 (准教授) ◇ Terada Tsutomu (Associate Professor)
〒657-8501 神戸市灘区六甲台町1-1               TEL/FAX 078-803-6117
Mail tsutomu [at] eedept.kobe-u.ac.jp              
URL  http://ubi.eedept.kobe-u.ac.jp/