[dbjapan] ICADL2016のアブストラクト登録お忘れ無く・論文〆切は7/9です.
- To: dbjapan [at] dbsj.org
- Subject: [dbjapan] ICADL2016のアブストラクト登録お忘れ無く・論文〆切は7/9です.
- From: Atsuyuki Morishima <mori [at] slis.tsukuba.ac.jp>
- Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2016 23:11:08 +0900
- Reply-to: mori [at] slis.tsukuba.ac.jp
ICADL 2016: Paper submission deadline is July 9th
Call For Papers
18th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2016)
Updated Web-site: http://icadl2016.org
Dates: December 7 to 9, 2016
Location: University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Co-located Event: Asia-Pacific Forum of Information Schools (AP-IS) Dec. 5
to 6, 2016
Hosted and Sponsored by: University of Tsukuba
In partnership with AP-iSchools, CiSAP
In cooperation with: ACM SIGIR, ASSIST Asia-Pacific Chapter (pending),
National Diet Library,
The Database Society of Japan, ACM SIGMOD Japan Chapter,
Information Processing Society of Japan (SIG-DBS, SIG-IFAT, SIG-CH)
Updated Submission Schedule
2016-07-02(Sat) Paper Abstract Deadline
If you have not submitted the abstract of your paper yet, contact PC
chairs (icadl16-contact [at] ml.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp) as soon as possible.
Abstracts *MUST* be submitted and will be used for reviewer assignment.
We will not extend the deadline for paper submission.
2016-07-09(Sat) Paper Submission Deadline
Full research papers (up to 12 pages in LNCS format)
Short practitioner papers (up to 6 pages in LNCS format)
Short work-in-progress papers (up to 6 pages in LNCS format)
2016-08-19(Fri) Workshop Proposal Deadline
2016-08-29(Mon) Notification (Papers and Workshops)
2016-09-13(Tue) Camera Ready Copy Due (Tenative)
Since its beginnings in Hong Kong in 1998, ICADL has become a premiere
international conference for digital library research. ICADL 2016 in Tsukuba
offers a valuable opportunity for researchers, educators, and practitioners
to share their experiences and innovative developments.
Tsukuba is the Japanese science city with many well-known research
institutes, and also a convenient place, with direct access to both Tokyo
and airports (Narita or Haneda) just in 1 to 1.5 hours.
ICADL 2016 will be held as a part of an international forum with the Asia-
Pacific Forum of Information Schools (AP-IS) to promote exchange and
collaboration among information schools in Asia-Pacific. AP-IS will include
a doctoral consortium, workshops, panel discussions and meetings for
students and faculties from Information Schools in the Asia-Pacific region.
The main theme of ICADL 2016 is "Knowledge, Information and Data in
Open Access Society." We solicit not only high-quality, original research
papers, but also practitioner papers identifying research problems and
future directions.
Following the previous ICADLs, ICADL 2016 proceedings will be published
in the LNCS series of Springer. The following is the (non-exhaustive) list
of topics.
[Information Technologies for Knowledge, Information and Data]
Semantic Web and linked data
Data mining and extraction of structure from networked information
Multilingual information access
Multimedia information management, retrieval and recommendation
Metadata aggregation models
Interchangeability and information integration
Ontologies and knowledge organization systems, networked information
Applications of digital libraries
Quality assurance of digital libraries
Sociability and high availability of digital libraries
Digital preservation
Digital curation
Research data and virtual organizations
User interface and user experience
Visualization in digital libraries
Social networking, web 2.0 and collaborative interface in digital libraries
Personal information management and personal digital libraries
Ubiquitous computing and knowledge management
[Societal and Cultural Issues in Knowledge, Information and Data]
Community Informatics
Cross-sectoral digital libraries
Collaborations among archives, libraries, museums
Digital cultural memory initiatives
Digital humanities
Digital library/ digital archive infrastructures
Digital library education and digital literacy
Digital preservation and digital curation
Economic and legal frameworks and issues
Ethics and ethical practice, privacy in digital collection building,
management and access
Higher education uses of digital collections
Research data infrastructures, management and use
Information policies
Participatory cultural heritage
Risks management in digital library/ archive projects
Creating, managing and using collections of social media and dynamically
generated contents
Social sustainability and digital libraries/ archives
Socio-technical perspectives of digital information
Usability and accessibility aspects of digital libraries
Paper Submission
All papers must be original contributions and not previously
nor currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers must be
written in English. Submissions should be made through EasyChair (to appear
All submissions should conform to LNCS format
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings as part
Springer Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
Paper Categories
All accepted papers have to be presented at oral or poster sessions by
the author(s)
Maximum 12 pages.
A Full Research Paper reports significant and original results
relevant to
the scope of ICADL 2016.
Maximum 6 pages.
A Practitioner Paper is a concise report of findings or other types of
by practitioners relevant to the scope of ICADL 2016. We welcome papers
identifying research problems and future directions in the digital library
Maximum 6 pages.
A Work-in-Progress paper is a concise report of recent findings or
other types
of innovative or thought-provoking work that does not necessarily reach a
level of
completion but relevant to the scope of ICADL 2016.
Atsuyuki Morishima <morishima-office [at] ml.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp>
Research Center for Knowledge Communities, University of Tsukuba
The FusionCOMP Project (CyLog, Crowd4U)
Programming Languages and Development Platforms
for Human Computation and Crowdsourcing Applications
Research Center for Knowledge Communities, University of Tsukuba
The FusionCOMP Project (CyLog, Crowd4U)
Programming Languages and Development Platforms
for Human Computation and Crowdsourcing Applications
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